William B. Lurie
William said:For what it's worth, I have some new Events to report,
but I'm not sure what all the settings were. But maybe they
say something......:
John, what the above shows, time-wise, is that however I set it up,
it was after I made that whole batch automatic. I walked away at 2:21,
and at 2:28 and again at 2:40-ish something interfered, and of course it
never ended up hibernating.
And now another run......
Type Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
Information 4/8/2010 5:59:01 PM Ci CI Service 4137 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Warning 4/8/2010 5:52:02 PM EventSystem (54) 4353 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Warning 4/8/2010 5:52:02 PM EventSystem (52) 4356 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Warning 4/8/2010 5:52:02 PM EventSystem (54) 4353 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Warning 4/8/2010 5:52:02 PM EventSystem (52) 4356 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Information 4/8/2010 5:51:56 PM ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0 None 1076 N/A COMPAQ-2006
Started it at 5:52 and 7 minutes later in recorder an Information
Event.....and then ran almost 2 hours before some unknown and
unrecorded distrurbanc caused it to come alive, as evidenced
by the desktop and icons coming on.
I'll try this one again later this evening and record more.