So you admit Ubuntu is a business for you?
Any person with IQ level above 60 can figure out what kind of business is
yours. -
TechSupport for Ubuntu.
It's not COmmunity that you care about, but 2 other things:
a) Hurt "large greedy Corporations, like Microsoft" which ("corporations')
ironically are the reason for progress, many jobs including in your
Mari*uana-smoking country of Spain, and comfortable life in the West, and
now spreading to the East and formerly communist countries.
They corporations made it possible for you to sit in a comfy chair and Troll
endless about how corporatiosn are "bad".
So you think jobs are created by big government signing some papers ordering
peoples "let's get busy?"
No my friend. It is companies like Microsoft who employ lots of your gellow
Spaniards, who provide overall direction while countless small busiensses
create bulk of the jobs, large corporations are as necessary as large fish
is necessary in the ocean.
b) You're part of Mike Shuttleworth's business providing paid long-term
support of a Hobbyist OS known as LeeNux - Ubuntu flavor. Several years
later it';; be another distro, I persoanlly prefer NovellSUSE.
Fact remains is you're a liar. You mak emoney off it.
Therefore you Trol so you make more money.
I am not the only "genius" here, lost of other peopel relaized why you
Again I admit you're a smart man.
Guess what?