I remember when Betamax fundies stood around and said "How could anyone
purchase and use SLP (Super Long Play or 3x mode) on a VHS deck. It is so
bad in picture quality." Well, they did - in mass, and all my videos I have
rented in the last 20 years are on VHS SLP mode, three movies per tape, and
I am copying them over to DVD. And I am damn glad to have them too $$$$$.
So now the fundies want to push HDTV as the ****---MUST HAVE---*** format to
view. With HDCP to stop you from making personal copies of what you
purchased and own.
God this makes me want to spit tacks every time I think of this. Most
people don't give a rats ass about the picture quality they are watching.
Have any idea how many people still use rabbit-ears to receive their off-air
TV? It's big. Ghosts, lines, and fuzzy - who cares.
It's the GOVERNMENT AND BIG BUSINESS that is pushing us over to HDTV, with
the cost of new TV's, tuners, DVD's, and what not. The consumer, by and
large, don't give a damn. It's also a big spectrum grab for the airwaves
that will be freed up.
Watch the FCC delay, again, the final, written in stone, must be, no more
delay, final date for ending current TV transmission. Why in the world
would I want to replace the brand-new 13" color TV I just paid $54.95 with a
$300.00 HDTV that does the same thing. Or a box that sets on top for
The people pushing this stuff get lost in the hype they live in. I don't
think the masses care all that much about HDTV. If the industry stumbles,
produces a product that is too hard to use, cost to much to use, or isn't
transparent enough, the consumer will not purchase it.
If it is mandatory for all current analogue TV transmission to stop by 2009,
then why are we still selling TV's that only receive this format? What
lunacy is this. If the FCC was serious about ending analogue TV
transmission, they need to STOP the sales of TV's for this format for at
lease 10 years in advance of the change over.
This whole HDTV, HDCP, is headed for a big train crash. (Maybe China will
declare war on us and we will embargo imports from them - wouldn't that put
a crimp in the works for us electronic junkies!)
I hope so. William.
In case you can't tell, this is an emotional topic for me - I want my free
TV, the way I want it, when I want it, how I want it, and don't turn off
features on the stuff I paid good money for to use either!