Harry Vaderchi
File Manager? That is a vision I now wish I could wash off.![]()
type "winfile" or search for NTwinfile for XP systems.
the NT version has very good permission controls added in.
File Manager? That is a vision I now wish I could wash off.![]()
I just did, and didn't find it anywhere on my hard drives. I do remember
that it was still there on '9x, though I only ever used it once or twice
as a curiosity.
J. P. Gilliver (John) wrote:
Even if you find it, be careful, as it is NOT long filename aware, and
(will) destroy those longfilenames, since it is NOT longfilename aware
you use it to "work on" the files ("work on" meaning more than just
displaying them). But I have to admit in some ways, File Manager seemed
better (had some additional features over Windows Explorer).
Give your reasons.
Do you plan to upgrade ever? If so, when and why?
If you use both XP and 7, do you ever plan on ditching XP for good?
What will you do when support is dropped to the point where this OS
will be problematic with new hardware?
Lostgallifreyan said:I agree about the firewall, but no AV here. Instead, I use the
firewall to catch anything trying to get online. The only other thing
a virus might profit from is nuking its host, so I watch the boot
sector and keep backups of it (and entire OS partition images).
AV sounds useful, but there are many false positives, especially when
'heuristics' are used. Looking for specific signatures is a bit like
a doctor taking a blood sample, finding sickle cell anemia,
'deducing' that the pateint is likely black and therefore a thief!
Harsh, but the analogy is fair in principle if not in degree (and
plenty of innocent program writers will agree, as all it takes is ONE
major false positive published as if it were
a certainty, to seriously harm their reputations). At least with a
good anti- trojan, we catch the thief by his actions.
98 said:It is. IE6 has been a horror show for the past 4 or 5 years.
You need to do more homework. IE6 is universally recognized as a
highly non-compliant browser. Macro$haft designed it that way on
purpose - to twist web-conventions to suit their own needs and plans
at the time.
Ant said:And outdated.
So? Some claim old people are outdated too. And who was that democratic
politician again who said something like people over 60 have outlived
their usefulness to society and should get out of the way and die?
Lostgallifreyan said:He was an idiot. All there is to know. People should be free to make
their own mistakes, but being free to make the worst mistakes of the
past is a liberty they should not be easily granted. If young people
actually DO learn from the past, and manage to avoid a third world
war caused by repeating dangerous and stupid mistakes from the past,
they might value the old for the protection, which extends well
beyond childhood care. As for the rebels, I know from my OWN
rebellions that there is nothing in rebellion if you act like there
is nothing to rebel against. (Even law breakers have to know and
respect the law, to beeak it in any meaningful way). There is no
problem disagreeing with the past, but the fastest way to outlive
usefulness is to act like none of it matters. It is also the best way
to get REALLY scared of growing old!
About that AV thing, I guess I got used to Ghost, and changing the OS
for a previous clean copy at need. I used to use and like AV (early
Kaspersky), but I found preparing clean sources for recovery easier
than keeping virus signatures up to date. That's because once I have
local sources, in clean backups, I don't have to think about them
(PeteCresswell) said:Per BillW50:
Wasn't that part of the back story in Stanley Kubrick's
"Clockwork Orange" movie?
Bill said:I would have stuck with IE6, but some sites balked at it. I think the
online banking site was one, and there were a few others, so I
finally had to throw in the towel.
J. P. Gilliver (John) said:In message <[email protected]>, BillW50 <[email protected]>
[][]One idea I really like is Windows Embedded. There are other software
that does something similar. But what basically happens is that all
writes are redirected to somewhere else (like to RAM or to another
drive). So nothing on your boot/system drive is changed at all.
Windows thinks it is writing there and things are written and
re-read with the updated information, although...
When you power off (you don't even have to do a proper shutdown
either). And when you boot up later, none of the changes stuck and
you are back to day 1 all over again. So any updates, malware, or
whatever are totally gone. To me, if you are not going to run an AV,
this is the real way to go.
Sounds interesting.
Does it have a facility for "save the current in-RAM situation"? I
mean, say you install something (software or an update) and are
actually quite pleased with the result, is there a way of saying you
want to keep it after all (i. e. update the "embedded" with the
One idea I really like is Windows Embedded. There are other software
that does something similar. But what basically happens is that all
writes are redirected to somewhere else (like to RAM or to another
drive). So nothing on your boot/system drive is changed at all. Windows
thinks it is writing there and things are written and re-read with the
updated information, although...
When you power off (you don't even have to do a proper shutdown either).
Zaphod said:I'd be very careful doing that - there are many documented instances
of the file system getting corrupted that way under XP Embedded with
EWF running. Rare, I grant you, but not worth the risk in my opinion.
How? The system drive is in read only mode and all changes are in RAM
(which you don't want anyway). I can see if you are using another
partition to hold all of the writes that would be a problem. But not if
it is stored in RAM.
Zaphod said:I don't know the technical details, but EWF doesn't place the drive in
read-only mode, EWF is just a system-level driver that redirects
writes to RAM instead of disk, and it has been known to fail on power
loss in such a way that the drive gets corrupted. Look in the
history of microsoft.public.windowsxp.embedded for a number of
related posts, and I suspect MS web forums have some also.
Hi Zaphod! Are you sure this is the right newsgroup?
As there are only 15 posts in the last 9 months and most of those are
spam. Also with EWF enabled, it should work very much like a Live OS.
Zaphod said:Yes, that's the right group, but when MS dropped them it died pretty
quickly. You'll have to look well back in the past to see the posts
I'm talking about. Or look in the web forums, I suspect you'll find
similar posts there, but I've not used them so I can't say for sure.
But rest assured, as much as you'd like to think it works like a live
CD, the difference is there - live CDs run on actual Read-Only media
where it is not possible to write to the media, but EWF does not - it
is a system-level driver that redirects writes to memory, and it can
and does fail under the correct circumstances.
30 seconds searching in Google Groups turned up this post and others:
Lostgallifreyan said:I don't know how WXP handles that but in W9X there's Wininit.ini,
which can be manually raided to see what it's up to. Usually rename
of some added file, to replace an in-use file. I think some of the
better installers (Wise, NSIS) keep a readable record of this too.
(About the swap-on-RAM-disk thing, I expected derision, so good to
hear you tried it. I've seen derision before, but usually from people
who didn't know that if there is enough RAM it pays to let the OS
beleive what it is optimised to beleive, than try to switch off
swapping, or any other non- recommended action).
I definitely read about this, and I wish I could remember where, to
cite it.I do have some anecdotals though.. I made a small GPS
logger based on Sparkfun's Logomatic. That uses an SD card. I saw it
fail because I was deleting logs when extracting them to hard disk. I
soon learned to keep them there till the SD card filled up. This
forces wear leveling by the simple method of causing each bit to be
written once each time the card is emptied and refilled. The failed
SD cards were both good quality Kingston cards that had worked well
for years in a case where files had sat on them a long time,
accumulating until I caned off the lot wanting more space. They
failed fairly fast once I started habitually clearing them early,
inplying that frequent writes to one region was the cause of failure.
I never lost a CF card when using it that way, which seems to confirm
what I read about those. (I lost one during a power failure on an
adapter during a careless test though).
That should do it.Hadn't thought of that.. I'll look into that
for my 1U ITX once I do more work with it.
CPU. I think my thermal coupling is ok, but even so there's
apparently over ten degrees C difference between case back and CPU
thermistor. Which might by lying for all I know, but it does feel hot
after a while. Even a small amount of forced air makes a huge
difference, but that's exactly what I want to avoid.But I might
put a 40mm fan deliberately aimed along the vanes I put on the back,
first forming a cover to compel ducting along the vanes. I think it
might work, and be damn near silent. I considered a heat pipe but
that won't do much better than what I already have even if it wasn't
more awkward and expensive. I can get the heat out to the case, it
just won't radiate fast enough.
I considered it.I like what I saw of one of those. They seemed
expensive and fragile though. But I might do it anyway just for the
portability. Especially if they aren't as useless as a hamstrung
racehorse of running W98 SE. (I have no idea how well their hardware
is supported by W9X drivers...)
I will definitely look up the Asus machines again though, on the
strength of your suggestion. Ever since I quit writing software on a
Psion Workabout, I miss that kind of portability. But those things
are about as luxurious as a Pythoneque Yorkshireman's shoebox, so
Asus machines might be worth it if I can afford a couple (I never
want just one, once backup looks like being vital).
Lostgallifreyan said:BillW50 said:I don't know how WXP handles that but in W9X there's Wininit.ini,
which can be manually raided to see what it's up to. Usually rename
of some added file, to replace an in-use file. I think some of the
better installers (Wise, NSIS) keep a readable record of this too.
I just checked this XP Pro machine and it does have a Wininit.ini
file. And I peeked in it and all it has is this one line:
Good, looks like same method then. The file is usually empty. See if
Wininit.bak is also there, that sometimes gives details of the last
task the Wininit thing had to do. The main thing is, if you check
right before reboot, when some install requires it, that's when
Wininit usually has the details. You can then find the
temporary-named file, and the name of whatever it's meant to replace.