Deet said:
Where you been? Don't see much of you lately.
Well, to be honest, I was around so much because I was in between .Net
contracts and it took me sometime to get a new contract. You know,
nothing else to do but mess around on the NG(s).
I had two contracts lined up I thought a couple a months ago only to
find that they both were closed before I could start. One with Citibank
Group that just started tanking here recently but was tanking well
before that it seems. Citi cut 23,000 jobs and is due to cut another
53,000 jobs I read here recently.
The other contract was in the insurance industry with a company, and the
insurance industry started tanking. Both business sectors are being hit
hard due to today's financial situation here in the US, along with other
job markets. It's rough out there for anyone to find a job if one
happens to be without a job during this time period.
However, the US government and the DoD are paying the bills now, as I
landed a contract with a consulting firm doing work for them. As it was
put to me, one can always count on the government and DoD. But they are
working me hard with long hours, and I don't want to see another
computer when I get home, other than to check emails and pay bills with
a computer, if that.
Well, that's why you don't see me too much now.