Hi Roln,
What made you continue to use AMD CPUs and systems until now? I suspect it
is why you will remain with AMD in the future, and that is, better value,
and faster chips. Since about 2 years Intel has been releasing hot, less
powerfull CPUs, because in my opinion, they are trying to be everything to
everyone. Marketing strategy be what it may, Intel just isn't interested in
keeping up with AMD in one small relatively market segment in the big home
computer market, what with their success in flash memory, laptop CPUs, and
so on. They are a super large public company, and must build on their
success to maintain stock value. A lot of research fell victim to the bottom
line there, although they still have a fairly good new product development
strategy. PLUS; they dropped the ball on 64 bit architecture, until they
licensed the AMD 64 bit system. Even Microsoft decided that this is
evidently the best system for the PC future You say you've been using AMD
Computers or at least CPUS for the past few years. Sounds like you have been
building or buying computers long enough to know that in 2 years a Socket
A computer, if not obsolete, will be at least a standard or basic computer
at that time. AMD had a problem choosing the successor to the Socket A, but
in 2 years I guess everyone who uses AMD will be reachng for 939 Boards and
CPUS, as I predict you will too. If you have been using AMD products til
now, then I figure you're a bit like me, in that you root for the underdog,
as well as demanding value. Hertz's slogan, #2 tries harder, fits well in
the David and Goliath picture of AMD and Intel at present, where the small
company is beating the large company in certain segments because of its'
hungry approach. Is this sounding lie a commercial for AMD? It's not meant
to be, but, I am convinced, as this market indicates, that competition is
the basis for development of products like computers, cameras, stereos, and
basically ALL other products that one can name. We must only remember the
lesson of Nike, to watch out that we don't exploit the poorer nations in our
quest for the perfect electronic product, whatever it might be.
BTW, unsure that the BIOS on that board must be udpdated to be able to use
the sempron CPUs. Thats a simple chip, and I don't think that it needs
special BIOSsettings. (I could be wrong) Boy, did I go off topic there. HOPE
I didn't bore you and/or helped, cul8r, Dave
PS: The A7N8X - Deluxe is a wonderful board. This system has one.I'm sure
you'll have years
of carefree service.