Why can't I post Suggestions?

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Is that really better than posting a reply to an old topic?

Honestly, Kurt, you are very immature.
Sam said:
That was a fake plonk.

STFU you lying POS!


You basically just said you lied about plonking me, but I'm the one that
is a lying POS!

Like the guy who has made the line "lying POS" infamous here, you are
just way too easy for me!

Wait, let me go outside and get more stoned....naw, there ain't marijuana
strong enough to make me as dumb as you.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Sam said:
Peace, Kurt.

I have all the peace I need, but thanks for the thought.
You need to calm down.

What's not calm about asking a simple question?

A question, I might add, that you didn't answer. Aren't you man enough
to answer a simple yes or no question?
Have you taken your medication

Yes, I have! Thank you for your concern.

Although I'm considering supplementing my buzz with a little Hazed and
Infused. But I bet you aren't old enough or man enough to join me in a

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Boy, when I first got the alert that the topic was updated, I though of one
name: "Kurttrail, who just won't give up."
Sam said:
Is that really better than posting a reply to an old topic?

Is what better?

The guy I replied to said, "Thanks for all your replies."

And I replied. Not three or more months later.
Honestly, Kurt, you are very immature.

What would you know about honest? You already admitted to lying about
plonking me.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Sam said:
Boy, when I first got the alert that the topic was updated, I though of
one name: "Kurttrail, who just won't give up."

Give up what? Are you playing a game?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Sam said:

So then why are you bothering finding out how to waste your time over
making them?

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"...I fail to understand why they feel the need to convince people
who are happy with Vista that they are wrong. That is aside from the
self-esteem issues they must have ;-)"
—Mark R. Cusumano

kurttrail said:
Is what better?

Calling someone insane instead of helping them.
The guy I replied to said, "Thanks for all your replies."

But obviously not yours.
And I replied. Not three or more months later.

What would you know about honest? You already admitted to lying about
plonking me.

Ok, "Seriously, Kurt, you are very immature."
Sam said:
Calling someone insane instead of helping them.

I didn't call the person insane. I asked the question, "Did you know
that doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different
result is a sign of insanity?"

"You are a moron." See, that would be me calling you a name.

"Did you know that showing a lack of understanding the meanings of simple
words is a sign of moronhood?"

There I'm just asking you a question about your knowledge, not calling
you a name directly.
But obviously not yours.

Why wouldn't my post be included with "ALL" replies?

Do you not understand the meaning of the word "ALL?"

Need I suggest where you can find the meanings to words?
Ok, "Seriously, Kurt, you are very immature."

To me, it's the liar that shows their immaturity.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Sam said:

Then explain what you meant by me, "who just won't give up."

Give up what exactly?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Sam said:
Dunno. Y?

Oh, because by answering my question yes or no without any qualification,
you have implicitly acknowledged the premise of my question, part of
which was the inherent "stupid" nature of your suggestions.

So what interests me is why a person would purposely seek out to
broadcast their admittedly "stupid suggestions" all over a USENET

Is virtual public humiliation somehow pleasurable to you?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
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Simple. You insulted me, and I took it back upon you.

"And what about this 'Sam' idiot that is replying to posts that are months
old, thinking that they are going to see his stupid remarks, after the
original posts have disappeared from the newsservers ages ago.

"...I fail to understand why they feel the need to convince people
who are happy with Vista that they are wrong. That is aside from the
self-esteem issues they must have ;-)"
—Mark R. Cusumano

kurttrail said:
I didn't call the person insane. I asked the question, "Did you know
that doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different
result is a sign of insanity?"

"You are a moron." See, that would be me calling you a name.

Wow, thanks. That's absolutely the PICTURE of maturity.
"Did you know that showing a lack of understanding the meanings of simple
words is a sign of moronhood?"

There I'm just asking you a question about your knowledge, not calling
you a name directly.

Why wouldn't my post be included with "ALL" replies?

Do you not understand the meaning of the word "ALL?"

Perhaps the OP in that thread does not understand the word's meaning. Maybe
you should ask him. Though, I doubt you're courageous enough to find out.
Need I suggest where you can find the meanings to words?

To me, it's the liar that shows their immaturity.

Well, that wasn't a very serious lie, and I assume you're not a policeman.
So it's ok to lie. I would not have lied about anything else. In calling me
immature, you seem to suggest that you WANTED me to plonk you. Cowardice?
OK, I admit it. They're NOT stupid. Happy?

Maybe they're stupid in your opinion, but perhaps not to Microsoft.
Sam said:
Well, that wasn't a very serious lie,

You mean like lying about a blow job as opposed to lie about war?

Lies have a life of their own, and a seemingly innocuous lie can f*#k
countless millions of lives.

If it weren't for the lie about a blow job, we'd have had Al Gore as
president on 9/11/2001, instead of the cabal of NeoConvicts that took
over when idiot George was elected, and we would never have been lied
into the Iraq debacle.
and I assume you're not a

So it's ok to lie.

Say WHAT?! Are you a Christian Republican FoxNews viewer?
I would not have lied about anything

And we'd have to take the word of an admitted liar, who believes "it's ok
to lie" for that.

You might lie to yourself that I'm stupid enough to by your line of BS,
but the only person you're fooling is yourself.
In calling me immature, you seem to suggest that you WANTED me to
plonk you.

No, I enjoy being plonk by dumbf*#ks, like you.

"I guess that shows us what kinda man you really are. A coward, just like
Frank." - My reply to your lie of a Plonk, before you admitted it was a

Couldn't you think up a taunt of your own? Not bright enough, I
understand. People that think that lying is OK, aren't usually very
imaginative people.

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