My Name
Repeat after me:
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
Susan does not have a high-speed connection.
I heard dat!
Ack Shirly, I was thinking it would arrive in the hands of
someone who does, and that, then the uploading to abf will/would
begin. Mines only hi-speed down. Up, sucks, and fails.
Effectively rendering Charter users to leech status. I hate it!
Paul Allen compadre of you know who owns Charter. Apparently the
greed isn't confined to Billy Boy. They won't even sell Hi-speed
up here. Prolly cause I could pass around all my M$ warez at
fiber (lightspeed) optic rates, yeah right, that's it.