Who uses HomeKit?


Feb 23, 2002
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I'm an Android user, so I don't have the pleasure of trying out Apple HomeKit. It seems to be everywhere at the moment, with loads of new products spouting HomeKit compatibility.

Are there any HomeKit users here? If so, what do you think of it - have you automated lots of things around the house?

It's really frustrating that Apple stick to such closed standards - although if it becomes popular, I'm sure an open standard will take its place (eventually...).
Never heard of it. I use apple phone but that's it. I have a AppleTV but gave up trying to use it to link to stuff. Constantly bombarded with requests for passwords over and over and over again. Telling me the ones I had enterd were wrong.

I disconnected it
I don't - but I would like to. I have quite a few things that are internet connected (Evohome, Nest Protect, GoGoGate2, Belkin WeMo Insight, Netgear Arlo) but none of them are Home Kit enabled which sucks!
but none of them are Home Kit enabled which sucks

That's part of the problem - apparently things can only be HomeKit enabled once they've gone through a huge certification process, plus a auth chip! Seems like huge overkill - I imagine that a firmware upgrade to many devices would mean that they could technically work (if it was allowed).

Given the size of Apple, I'm sure they'll pull it off somehow, but it seems an arse-about-face way of doing it.