I disagree, I don't fear change at all, in fact most times I welcome change - if that change is for the better. And there's the rub, is Win 8 better than Win 7, XP or Vista? General consensus says no it isn't.
Of course there's masses of Microsoft fanboys out there proclaiming it's greatness but they are the sort of folk who if Steve Bulmer whacked them upside the head with half a brick they'd say 'Thank you Steve' cos they automatically assume anything Microsoft does is greatness personified.
These fanboys say things like 'It's ok when you get used to it' or even worse 'You must be a bit stupid if you can't understand it'. That makes a whole lotta stupid people out there then.
Those who argue the changes 'under the hood' are worth buying Win 8 for are wrong imo, very wrong. In making the jump from Win 7 to Win 8 Microsoft have concentrated mostly on changing the GUI and underneath the new fascia is basically Win 7 with SP2 applied.
Microsoft obviously felt that appealing to those who like the OS's on tablets & mobile phones would lap up Win 8 by the truckload but what they've failed to comprehend is that the majority of MS OS users are desktop, laptop or corporate users.
And then there's touch screen. At arm's length? FFS! When using touch screen on your mobile, you can just rub all those greasy paw prints off on your clothing, it's a bit difficult doing that with a 24" monitor though. How many of us have struggled to keep people sploshing their fingers all over our monitors, especially children's greasy paws, to save us having to clean it daily?
And now MS want us to prod our monitors every time we use their confounded new system.
Oooooo, can you all sense my temperature rising as I type this? Heehee
About the only light at the end of the tunnel is that there lots of mods made by third party users that will let you run Win 8 much the same as Win 7. Which means you've just laid out full whack for a new OS that's very little changed from your previous OS.
So there we go, Mr Flops' assertions on Win 8. They should have left the UI alone and released SP2 for Win 7. But that wouldn't have made the richest company in the world any richer would it?