Windows 8 Who here is using Windows 8?


Feb 23, 2002
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There's not been a huge amount of talk about Windows 8 on here, so I was wondering who here at PCR uses it?

It's not been around for too long, so I doubt there will be many people who have bought a new PC with it pre-installed - but I guess there may be a few people who bought the upgrade to give it a whirl?
I did actually consider it at one point, but i decided that its not for me, at least not yet.

Windows 7 is still, in my opinion, the way to go.
I went as far as running the upgrade assistant, then got to the part about entering card details and stopped.
I have two friends who bought new laptops with Windows 8 on and they say they are great. Then I have a few friends that have done the upgrade and they say Windows 8 is a nightmare and all kinds of struggles with drivers and older software not working properly. And judging by the amount of people asking for help on Windows official page on Facebook, I would say I am going to give it a miss for a while. Windows 7 is serving me great, so no real need to upgrade.
Saying that MS have managed to sell 60 million licenses so far.
I know this thread is to gain feedback from people actually using Win 8 but I will say that I downloaded the trial/beta version from Microsoft and tried it for a month, on and off. I installed Libre Office which worked fine as did many other apps. I even installed my complete Steam folder which also worked fine.

Like V_R, I did consider changing to Win 8, I gave it a fair crack of the whip - hell, I wanted to like Win 8.

But I didn't.

And that's the simple truth.

This may sound simplistic but the bit that riled me the most was no start button.

I'm no MS fanboy but I will admit to liking Win 7 very much indeed :)
Why fix sommit that ain't broke!

I think its good for Tablet pc's and such but it is my opinion that Standard PC's are better left with a useable system that doesn't need a complete overhaul and everything changed just when most folk have gotten used to them, I'm sure there will be a time when we won't need start buttons and menu sustems but until they invent something intuative that actually works, I'm gonna stick with what I know and Good old windows with a file structure I recognise is the way to go for me until at least a few years yet!
If anybody is going to use W8 in the future, would probably be a good idea to get it now via the upgrade assistant for £24.99 + £8.99 if you want the Windows DvD before the prices go up at the end of January :D


Funny, is just how I felt when I "tried" it out. :)
I was just wondering if I tried the Windows8 upgrade assistant will I be able to revert to Windows 7 if I don't like it. Also how about my saved files will they be automatically transferred to Windows 8 I like W7 and the W 8 has a bad press and am wondering whether it is worth changing?
I was just wondering if I tried the Windows8 upgrade assistant will I be able to revert to Windows 7 if I don't like it. Also how about my saved files will they be automatically transferred to Windows 8 I like W7 and the W 8 has a bad press and am wondering whether it is worth changing?

Going by past Windows OS's no you won't be able to revert back without a fresh install.

As for your saved files, if you upgrade, er, change, from Win 7 to Win 8 then yes, it's highly likely all saved data will still be there.

However, if history's anything to go by with Windows an 'upgrade' install is not the best option, a clean, fresh install is always best. And in that case current files would not be saved.

Win 8 is basically Win 7 with a few minor tweaks that aren't really advantageous and a whole new UI. A UI that most sane folk seem to dislike a great deal.

My advice: hang fire for at least 6 months, DO NOT be made to panic buy Win 8 by MS's desperate sales ploys.
I was just wondering if I tried the Windows8 upgrade assistant will I be able to revert to Windows 7 if I don't like it. Also how about my saved files will they be automatically transferred to Windows 8 I like W7 and the W 8 has a bad press and am wondering whether it is worth changing?

You could always clone your current 7 and if 8 is unsuitable then you can go back to 7 in 15 to 30 minutes. Clonezilla and Acronis will both do the job for free.

As to the Q in the OP, I see no need for 8 personally at the moment so am not and will not be doing an install in the foreseeable future. :cool:
I was just wondering if I tried the Windows8 upgrade assistant will I be able to revert to Windows 7 if I don't like it.

Yes, but only if you bought a PC/Laptop with Windows 7 already on it that has a recovery partition. When installing W8 the recovery partition stays in tact. But with custom builds a fresh install would be needed.
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Having seen the video that Mr Mucks put on this page I certainly would NOT repeat NOT install W8 as it would appear to not be PC user friendly and in fact crap
I I was offered the upgrade for my new laptop by Samsung but I refused to go ahead and upgrade from Windows 7.

Windows 8 is very different from the currents OS's in terms of user interface, it works far better with a touch screen PC as many of its functions are easily accessable by swiping the screen. Windows 8 is geared towards folks who are entertainment/social freaks. It's more of a plaything rather than a working mans machine.

I happen to sell computers at my workplace and have tested all brands and types of computers be it laptops or desktops since October 26th. This was the main reason I was able to decide to stay away from it, atleast for now. We actually had more returns than ever before. The customers either were unable to use it properly or had issues with propriety software they were using which did not have support for Windows 8.

A lot of consumers these days are more interested in hooking up the computer with their large screen smart TV's, obviously the reason for that is the entertainment side of the new operating system, youtube, facebook, skype etc.

Google TV from LG is selling like hotcake these days, it does most everything a computer does on wifi, except it has no hard disk.