Here: www.jonnyguru.com/PSU/V-Series/all_inside.jpg
are some PSUs with 120mm fans (left to right: 350W, 400W, 500W) but
heatsinks that aren't chopped down. They seem more substantial than
the heatsinks of 120mm PSUs from Seasonic and Fortron. I don't know
how good a job the manufacturer, Wintech, did with the cooling, but
they did bother to stick a sheet of mylar across about 1/3" of the fan
area at the rear to prevent air coming in from being sucked up into the
fan before it flowed through the heatsinks. Jonny Guru said these PSUs
are OK, but I wonder if the main transformer is a bit puny because in
my 350W Ultra/Wintech it's the same size as the ones in my 300W and
350W Antecs, but it runs at 50 KHz instead of 60 KHz.
It seems a trade-off, while they managed to get as much
'sink in as they could, other PSU without the 120mm fans do
often have larger 'sinks.
Personally I'd just as soon they avoided all of these issues
and went to a new PSU form-factor, something tall enough to
fit a 92mm fan in the rear and/or front. It seems a lot of
those with 120mm fans are using sleeve bearing fans which
can be a problem in itself with horizontal mounting.
If you want to see real quality, look at this PSU found inside an
external USB disk drive enclosure:
LOL, now THAT is fancy!
I've got an old 3.5" tape drive enclosure somewhere, I ought
to take a picture of that PSU for contrast purposes. The
tape drive probably used about 250mA/500mA But the PSU
would probably handle at least 3 hard drives.
Naturally it's not UL approved. And sitting right above it is a low
voltage circuit board, separated by just a thin sheet of plastic
pressing against the heatsink that holds the high voltage transistors..
I have two of these enclosures. I'm going to return one, and with the
other I substituted a UL approved external PSU.
Who pays retail?My most expensive Antec was $15, including the
case, and I can always tack a resistor across the fan control
thermistor for better cooling.
Yeah... but some people do, they'll want to buy everything
on the spot. I never do that, except maybe a CPU if I found
a deal on a board.