Bob Myers
rjn said:Bob Myers said:Well, actually going much below 60 doesn't really
work all that well on most LCDs.
The popular [mis]conception among those who have
thought about it, but not read your book, is that LCD
panels are a form of write-only frame buffer. You send
a data set to a pixel triad, and it stays at that value
until you send another data set, whenever.
You're right, it IS more complicated than that. The
LCD is only a sort-of "frame buffer"; it's closer to being a
very large (physically, at least) and oddly analog form of
dynamic write-only memory. As such, it DOES need to
be refreshed periodically, and there are other limitations
regarding how fast (and how slow, oddly enough) the
panel electronics (the timing controller, or "TCON," and
drivers) can be run. There have been LCDs made which
operate more slowly than 50 or 60 Hz, and there are certainly
those which operate much more rapidly - but typically in
a monitor, the panel itself is running very close to 60 Hz,
just as a sort of de-facto standard.
Is there usually/sometimes/never a real frame buffer
in that path? If present, it "should" completely decouple
what the panel needs from what the host wants to send.
There is very often - I won't say "always," because there
are always exception - a real frame buffer, and even
sometimes a double buffer, because of the need for the
monitor "front end" to be able to support frame-rate
conversiion in order to handle input rates other than
60 Hz. So most often the actual displayed frame rate IS
decoupled from the input rate, unless the input rate is
within the panel's native timing range. Which is another
reason to be running an LCD monitor at its native or
"preferred" timing, always.
Which makes it less likely than ever that avoiding dual-link
will be accomplished by using low host frame rates.
No, avoiding dual-link DVI for such things as the 30"
2560 x 1600 monitors is going to be achieved only by
switching to one of the newer, faster digital interfaces, such
as HDMI 1.3 or (more likely in the PC workd)
The other work-around gimmick that is even less likely is
data reduction (e.g. sending only changed pixels).
Yes, but that trick (generically referred to as "conditional
updating" won't work with any interface that doesn't support
the passing of address information, etc., within the image.
That requires a packetized communications protocol, most
likely, and that means the only real hope we have for getting
to the "conditional update" mode will be DisplayPort. Both
of the other common digital interfaces (DVI, HDMI) are
basically just delivering a normal raster-scan video stream in
digital form instead of analog. The initial release of DisplayPort
doesn't fully take advantage of the packetized protocol either,
and so far doesn't support that mode, but it is expected to be
added in a future upgrade of the standard.
Bob M.