Mike Ruskai said:
Dual-link DVI-D is the only interface in wide
use on computers that can drive the native resolution.
No argument there. If you want 2560 on DVI, you
have to use dual-link. That's been obvious since
DVI 1.0, which originally was limited to 1600 (and
later 1920 with CVT).
I was an early adopter of 23in 1920, and being
aware of the DVI limitations, made some effort to
make sure that my card and monitor would actually
work together. Neither brand bothered to specify
that their product was single link. I also had to
figure out just how 1920 was possible on single (CVT).
Complaining about that is rather like complaining
that you can't put a house fire out with a garden
hose hooked up to the big red truck.
Except that's not the compliant. The complaint was:
"Dual link DVI only"
Ignoring the VGA thing ...
If you happened to buy a gen-1 2560 monitor, planning
to upgrade the graphic card to 2560 later, you might
expect to get SOMETHING on screen with your current,
say, Matrox Parhelia. Nope.
You might even have confused dual-port (which almost
all Matrox cards are) with dual-link (which almost no
Matrox cards are). {And Matrox doesn't go out of their
way to let you know that all except the one DL card
are not DL. I had to ask in their now-gone forum.}
Any card with a Dual-link DVI-D connector is going
to scale automatically to the panel's native resolution.
Really, in any OS?
The opportunities for unhappy customers are significant
with the gen-1 2560 LCDs. I'm surprised we haven't seen
more complaints like the Inq rant. I'm guessing that the
reason is that most people getting a 30in LCD are also
buying a whole new PC or Mac, and just happen to be
getting a DL graphics card. I presume that the monitors
include a DL cable.
I will admit, however, that having scaling done in
the monitor with aspect ratio preserved would be
useful to me, ...
I sometimes hook the 1920 23in to a DVD player via
YPbPr, and the analog-in and scaling are essential
there, because I don't yet have a player with DVI
out (but even that would not be 2560 DL - players
with scaling do 1920).
In another message, you mentioned the inability to
simply plug any old PC into the monitor and see
something on the screen. That's as legitimate a
complaint as one about being not able to plug an SATA
drive into any old computer to add storage.
Not really. A more apt analogy would be buying a
printer for an old LPT port PC, and discovering
that it's USB only. THAT bit a lot of people, and
it took years to get the market to the point where
USB-only printers were a safe sell.
The fact that Dell's 3d try at 30in now has analog
inputs suggests that the market is not yet ready for
DVI (and/or HDMI or DisplayPort)-only monitors.
Too many people have other PCs/laptops kicking around
that they might want to hook up, if only temporarily,
to the new LCD, via DVI single or VGA.
Just what OSD functions do you need with a display
that's always digital and always at the same resolution?
Black level. White level. Color temp. Gamma.
Backlight level. On an OS where the hosted applet
controls don't run (Unix, Linux).
I assure you, the word "tolerate" doesn't enter into
the experience of owning and using a 30" panel
operating at 2560x1600.
Yeah, true. You are either in bliss or
in rage (because it doesn't work at all).