Which is better? Leave computer on all day or start up several times a day

  • Thread starter Thread starter BarbaraMN
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LostinXP wrote:
(e-mail address removed)
Well as you may all know by now im a WIN 98 guy.
I have 3 PC's runing WIN98 and they have not been shut down since the
day they where pluged in.
My thought on the matter has nothing to do with what none of you are
saying. I think the trouble starts with the heating up and cooling
down of the PC. Motherboard expanding and contracting making lose
connections on all its circuitry is the main cause I think.
I run good fans and keep the room cool.
The pc im on right now is almost 8 years old and and have had no down
time at all. ( Knock on wood, LOL )
I may be wrong.
but thats my story and im sticking to it ( lol )

Where do you live that you have never had a power outage long enough to
force a power down?
LOL I dont count them, Unless im the reson for the power outages : )
But it dont go off much Maybe 6 times in the last 10 years.
BarbaraMN said:
Running windows XP at home, using dial-up, virus check and firewall

Recently switched to XP from W98 where I left the computer on all day, with
a screensaver running all day. This new computer I have been turning off
and on several times a day and not running a screensaver. Is all that off &
on switching going to cause a problem? Thanks