So, which is better, C# or Java?
I read through all the replies. I am indebted to Arne, Raziel and
Markus. After looking it over, I've concluded that my initial hunch
was correct: C# is better than Java.
You see, there's one important qualification that I forgot to mention
(aside from the fact I don't know Java and don't care to learn it): I
like NOT spending time on doing the GUI, and, most importantly, I am
my own boss. I don't work for others--I work for myself. So I can
pick and choose what language I care to develop in. And it seems to
me Java is for "legacy" projects where the client (your boss) tells
you he wants you, the programmer, to do XYZ. Big difference from what
I am doing. So yes, if you want maximum job security and flexibility,
by all means learn Java and even the dreaded java script for client
side coding (I use Ajax and Silverlight and finish in half the time
when doing client side web page stuff). But if you're doing what I am
doing and given my circumstances then C# and the Visual Studio suite
is miles, if not light years, superior for me.
Thanks to all for the replies.
PS--I'm learning Azure now, about six months worth of on and off
coding, and there's no way you can do that with Java--or maybe you can
with Amazon's cloud I guess, if you want to wade through a mountain of
probably badly written and obsolete, late documentation, as is typical
of open source stuff.