James Egan
This is BS from you. It was suggested to me by someone I respect to look at
IPsec to supplement the protection of the machine, which I have done. You
have not come up with anything that makes any sense here.
Does it make sense to load all this gear onto a machine which won't
receive any incoming connection requests since they won't go beyond
the nat device?
I am following
advise and suggestions not only explained in the Win XP Pro Resource Kit
Book but the Windows Security Resources Kit book on how to supplement the
protection of the machine.
Does it advise using all these things you mention at the same time?
I open at least one machine by port forwarding
ports on the router such as FTP on occasions, and I think you may know,
the protection of cheap NAT router doesn't provide protection of inbound
ports that have been port forwarded to a machine.
But the router is smart enough to know not to forward ports that you
haven't explicitly forwarded or put into a dmz which means your
personal firewalls further down the line can guzzle resources without
having to earn their keep.
Subscribe to some of the windows networking groups for a while and you
will see that firewalls gone wrong account for a large slice of user
problems. Particularly annoying when the user doesn't need a firewall
in the first place. But they read the comments of the "very paranoid"
people like yourself (you're url not mine!)
and think they have to take excessive action.
Once again, nowhere in the posts in this NG or another NG I have made have
I NOT indicated the use of a FW of some sort on a machine.
That's the problem. You are the clueless one I was referring to who
got the "install a firewall" response from somebody who couldn't be
bothered explaining why you don't need one.
Anyways, you already promised once not to post again so give it a rest
or preferably go back on holiday. Now I know why it's called a
thanksgiving holiday.