Which camera do you own?

Which camera do you own?

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a kodak MC3, pentex SLR, and now my cell phone. I rarely use others besides my phone, just soo convient you know.
I use a usb flim scanner.

Pentax K1000 SLR 35mm film

Sears SK1000 SLR 35mm film a Pentax clone

have about 10 lenses from 24mm to 300mm that fit both cameras.

have a digital but dont use it much because it not a SLR. forgot how many pixels it has that how much I use it.
Hi chrisopher
When I moved lost the 12volt power supply to my film scanner but I have some burned on CD's.
Im goin to do some black and whites for a while cause Its been a long time.

I also have 2 sony video cameras and use raw video into the ATI 7200 card. I like raw video better than usb or firewire. I plan on havin a new media machine in about 2 years and want another ATI with more memory, dual processor, some fast memsticks, and raid 5.

I havent posted photos before and would like to find a good 300MB site if anyofya know any.

keep postin
Which cam ?

I use a Canon PowerShot A75
Epson Perfection Photo/Neg scanner
Epson Stylus printer

My favorite cam is Photoshop...
For underwater photography I use an Olympus C5000 Zoom and PT-019 Housing.
For topside photography I use a Fuji S7000 (which I love!)


My main camera is a Chinon 35F-EE compact that I bought in 1978 :eek: it's now deemed a "classic"


My Digital is an Olympus C-830L that I bought few years back... Old but still useable even now.

Don't have one but thinking about the Canon PS A-520, it looks to be in my price range.
What Camera

Is there anyone else out there who uses Fuji?

Got myself a FinePix F810 which is a very smart piece of kit, 6M with widescreen opportunities, plus quick change of resolution for portrait / webcam requirements.

Used to use a Pentax Optio but found the shutterlag was far too long. If I took a picture of anything moving faster than a snail, it was gone before the shutter opened! Has anyone else found a similar issue?

The Fuji is very fast so that put an end to that problem.:)
Sexy Bex owns a Pentax maybe she can shed some light on this. ;)
Yes, I have encountered that problem from time to time with mine. I like to take pictures of scenery and people mainly (and those tend to stay still ;)) but pics of animals tended to not turn out how I wanted them :(

It's still a great camera though :thumb:
Sexy Bex said:
Yes, I have encountered that problem from time to time with mine. I like to take pictures of scenery and people mainly (and those tend to stay still ;)) but pics of animals tended to not turn out how I wanted them :(

It's still a great camera though :thumb:
Definitely, I just keep mine in my laptop case for when I am away. You never know when you get the chance to grab some good pix (no smutty inuendos please).

Agree its brilliant for the slow stuff, and so damn compact and easy to use.