Whet /Drsytone comaprisons?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karolus des Reyches197
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I thank you for the fine feedback. I needed just that. I was leaning first
to INTEL, then AMD 3000, but reading above I am now almost certain to go to
AMD 2400, 1 GB of PC 2400 RAM and see how that is with the existing Graphics
card. You are right. The price drop is tremendous this way. Almost half.


| I thank you for the fine feedback. I needed just that. I was leaning
| first to INTEL, then AMD 3000, but reading above I am now almost
| certain to go to AMD 2400, 1 GB of PC 2400 RAM and see how that is
| with the existing Graphics card. You are right. The price drop is
| tremendous this way. Almost half.

You're welcome.
Suggest you go for a good quality m/board and the fastest memory it will
There is no need to worry about running memory at the same speed as the
processor FSB on modern m/boards - they can handle the difference without
introducing wait states.

| Thanks
| Karl
| || | Thanks a lot for the fine explanation.
|| |
|| | I presently have the AMD 1100, 512 MB SDRAM, two 80 GHZ drives (1
|| | internal, 1 external) CD reader, CD writer,Cardreader.
|| |
|| | Windows XP, word, OE, and various programs to process digital
|| photos | and movies (the latter in the very beginning stages).
|| |
|| | I have a Radeon 5000 card (18 months old) and would need to
|| upgrade | that too.
|| |
|| | Most of my time is spent in
|| |
|| | E-mails
|| | Newsgroups-computers and computer related
|| | Stocks and analysis
|| | Word
|| | Doing newsletters for voluntary org..
|| | Excel
|| | Image photo processing
|| | and editing, printing of final photos.
|| |
|| | That is not all but quickly comes to my mind.
|| |
|| | NOW, what is it you recommend?
|| |
|| | Thanks in advance
|| You'll probably find the AMD 1100 fine for most of your Apps
|| except for the image processing which is likely to be s--l--o--w.
|| I tend to upgrade my main machine to be one step behind 'leading
|| edge' as that is where the best value for money comes in.
|| Currently, you can get an AMD XP2400 plus a decent suitable m/board
|| (Gigabyte, Asus, etc) for less than half it would cost you to go 3
|| GHz. In practise, you won't really notice much difference between
|| them unless you spend your whole life benchmark testing. Give it
|| something like 1 Gb of PC2700 333 MHz DDR RAM and you'll have a
|| system which can edit photos with the best of them. Should be more
|| than adequate for getting started with video editing when you want
|| to try that as well. Your Radeon 5000 might be far from 'leading
|| edge', but that doesn't mean it won't do the job.
|| Most of the latest ATI and nVidia graphics cards give you
|| fantastic 3D acceleration - but you're not using 3D, so why pay for
|| it ? Might be best to see how the Radeon performs in a better
|| system, and find out what you need to improve about it.
|| If you don't need 3D, then image quality and a choice of outputs
|| might be your priorities. My own preference in this case would be to
|| look at the Matrox range, as these have some of the finest 2D
|| quality you can get. Nice stable drivers, too.
|| I notice that you are using Windows XP. This can use a significant
|| of system resources - and thus soak up some performance - if you
|| have all the bells-and-whistles and eye-candy enabled. Configuring
|| XP to run 'lean and mean' without so much of the extras can help
|| performance. Kevin.
| I was thinking about the ASUS A7N8X Deluxe MB.
| Any better suggestions?

I haven't used ASUS m/boards so much in the past, but they are well known
all over for quality (3-year warranty !). The A7N8X seems to have loads of
very good features and will take up to DDR400 = PC3200 RAM. Their 'Q-fan'
fan speed control idea seems a good one as well. It looks like it should
serve you well for the future as well with 8x AGP and serial ATA.
The nVidia chipset has had plenty of good reviews.
If you have had good experiences with ASUS in the past, or have had a few
recommendations, then I'd say 'go for it' - even though I tend to use the
Gigabyte GA-7VRXP and GA-7VAXP myself.
Karolus said:
What is the real life significance if an AMD 1100 computer gets around 4000
Dry stones and a IntelP4 3.0 GHZ gets 9000?

That the Intel is that much faster on integer arithmetic. But the
Dhrystone benchmark and even more the Whetstone one (which was based on
a mix of scientific work, and hence a large proportion of floating
point) are very old now, and poor guides. If only because if the
original forms are used, the programs will fit into the Level *one*
cache of the CPU. And if the ideas have been built into some later
benchmarking program, one never knows how they were calibrated, so it
would be essential to use the same package at all times
Alex, I appreciate what you say regarding these older tests.

But what tests would you use from the internet that measures things better?

And would you also go with a AMD 2400 as the most "bang for the buck"?
