Karolus des Reyches197
What is the real life significance if an AMD 1100 computer gets around 4000
Dry stones and a IntelP4 3.0 GHZ gets 9000?
Dry stones and a IntelP4 3.0 GHZ gets 9000?
Carey Frisch said:The Intel P4 3.0GHz rates 5000 Dry Stones greater.
I presently have the AMD 1100, 512 MB SDRAM, two 80 GHZ drives (1 internal,
1 external) CD reader, CD writer,Cardreader.
Windows XP, word, OE, and various programs to process digital photos and
movies (the latter in the very beginning stages).
I have a Radeon 5000 card (18 months old) and would need to upgrade that
Most of my time is spent in
Newsgroups-computers and computer related
Stocks and analysis
Doing newsletters for voluntary org..
Image photo processing
and editing, printing of final photos.
That is not all but quickly comes to my mind.
NOW, what is it you recommend?