~ FreeSpirit ~
Sharon F said:MSCONFIG shows you a registry path. It starts with letters such as HKLM
(HKEY_Local Machine) or HKCU (HKey Current User). Unfortunately, MSCONFIG
is not a resizable window and tends to truncate these paths. You'll see
"..." at the end. That's an indicator that there is more than what is
If you use Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System
Information, there is a section in this tool titled Software Environment.
Click next to those words to expand that section. Click on "Startup
Programs" and wait a few seconds as the list builds. When that's done,
you'll see a list in the right hand pane of this program that has better
descriptions of your startup programs. Plus the paths are more likely to
displayed in full. If they are not, at least this window is resizable.
## OK I found it but there are no paths. There are 11 things showing, a
small fraction of what's in msconfig. This only lists what's running
whereas msconfig lists things that aren't even on my PC anymore.
Paths you are likely to find will be:
## Here is a C&P of what is actually there.
NAV Agent c:\progra~1\norton~1\norton~1\navapw32.exe All Users
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run <--- *** What is this?
Navigator c:\progra~1\direcway\bin\dpcnav.exe All Users Common Startup
NvCplDaemon rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\nvcpl.dll,nvstartup All Users
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run <---*** What is this?
Recguard c:\windows\sminst\recguard.exe All Users
Run StartupMonitor startupmonitor.exe All Users
Symantec NetDriver Monitor c:\progra~1\symnet~1\sndmon.exe All Users
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run <---*** What is this?
WordWeb c:\progra~1\wordweb\wweb32.exe All Users Common Startup
desktop desktop.ini NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Startup <-- ** Why are four
desktop desktop.ini KAREN\Owner Startup
desktop desktop.ini .DEFAULT Startup
desktop desktop.ini All Users Common Startup
## The others I know what they are - but how do you tell what the others
When I disable startup programs, I start with the application itself: Open
the program and go through its menus looking for the preference and option
settings that control the startup behavior.
## Example: How do I know if this should be disabled?
Users HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
And how is something like this opened?
If those menus are not to be found, I would have to find a different way
disable the program. If there is no shortcut in the startup folder, than
is likely there is a RUN key in the registry that starts the program.
## And those should be deleted or changed? I can't find how to disable
most programs from just opening them and looking in properties or their
options choices. Most from what I see, don't give you a choice. That's why
I have a freebee startup manager program. It asks before anything can start
at startup - one time. Works wonders.
When it gets down to this point, I usually uncheck the box in MSCONFIG
instead of editing the registry. Reason: I may change my mind down the
and decide that I actually want that program to run at startup. It's easy
and convenient to add a check to a box in MSCONFIG.
## Which is why I've been using it for the past 5+ years.
There are times when a program is uninstalled but it fails to clean up a
RUN key in the registry. Or there may be a program that does a check at
startup and re-enters itself in MSCONFIG after it's been disabled. Or an
item that I don't use or want that loads as a service. In these cases, I
prune the registry.
## By deleting their keys or exporting them to a folder somewhere?
NOTE: Rude programs that re-enter themselves in startup after I've gone to
great lengths to disable them, don't stay installed on my system for long.
## I know what you mean!