Data can also be crafted to realize bad intent.
But it's just harmless data without the malicious code. It's code
that's malicious, not data.
Data can also be crafted to realize bad intent.
edgewalker said:It was a good question.)
edgewalker said:It was a good question.)
Art said:Yes. Think of the registry as a repository of data Windows and
programs use. Think of malware as programs. They are entirely
different things. It really makes no sense to say malware resides
in the registry even though the registry might be used by the malware.
For example, a registry Run key might be set by malware to force
Windows to run the malware every time Windows starts. Is the
malware then "in the registry"? Not really. A portion of the malware
simply set a key in the registry. But the malware (program) is a
executeable file separate from the registry. You see?
i don't mean to confuse the issue or anything, but i wouldn't be so sure
that malware can't reside entirely within the registry....
take the fact that the commands contained in the Run keys actually get
executed, combine that with the fact that regedit is scriptable and i
can conceive of a Run key or set of Run keys that could assemble and
execute a script (or maybe even a binary - debug.exe is scriptable too)
that could then do damage or even re-apply itself to the registry...
further, i can easily see a Run key or set of Run keys that can use
built in tools in windows to download and execute additional malware
from the web and therefore qualify as a downloader trojan...
But it's just harmless data without the malicious code. It's code
that's malicious, not data.
Art said:The malware is the code that planted this (hypothetical?) stuff in the
registry and the accompanying script.
Same thing as above. Whatever planted the stuff in the registry is the
Following your logic, Windows itself is malware. That line just leads
to unnecessary confusion.
I like that (possibly) part.)
Neither code nor data is malicious, it is the ill will intent of the disseminator
of that program or data that has the malice.
Many AV programs were found to be vulnerable to maliciously malformed
archive files that overran a buffer and corrupted memory and IIRC allowed
remote code execution. Let's just say that I removed the payload portion of
the exploit so that no code was included in the file. So now I have a naliciously
malformed archive file that corrupts memory maybe to point to "somewhere"
where "something" awaits to be interpreted as code (this "something" was
already there, maybe a data structure, and not as a result of anything I did).
Even if the memory corruption is not an overwritten return address pointer,
it could still result in damage to data or a DoS to the user of an application
and realizes my bad intent - that file is malicious data because it carries out
my bad intent.
I'm suggesting that the maliciously malformed and intentionally sent file is malware.
You seem to be suggesting that the AV software is malicious just because it has a
software flaw.
Fact not in evidence is that such items were initially placed there by code.
Even if they were, it is not uncommon for one malware to drop another.
Kurt's suggestion has merit - aside from the ability to call code that resides
external to the registry, he shows it may be possible to use the command
interpeter with commands entirely within the registry to realize bad intent.
Program control data can be as powerful as the progam code itself.
Bollocks! It doesn't even have to be a program that planted the stuff.
It's there, it executes because the OS uses that file as program control
That's the same line you follow when you suggest that it is the program
that mishandles the maliciously crafted data that is "malware" - the AV
program in my other post.
kurt wismer said:i don't mean to confuse the issue or anything, but i wouldn't be so sure
that malware can't reside entirely within the registry....
take the fact that the commands contained in the Run keys actually get
executed, combine that with the fact that regedit is scriptable and i can
conceive of a Run key or set of Run keys that could assemble and execute a
script (or maybe even a binary - debug.exe is scriptable too) that could
then do damage or even re-apply itself to the registry...
further, i can easily see a Run key or set of Run keys that can use built
in tools in windows to download and execute additional malware from the
web and therefore qualify as a downloader trojan...
"it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer,
is there an answer?"
Mother's L'il Helper said:Kurt,
Several messages ago, I responded to David about "remember using" and
it was the C0008/5 command, now the important point is that I asked if
any code could get there if you didn't let it in <safe hex>. What I see
from your responses is that "perhaps" it could. Isn't this still part of
the boot process, and wouldn't you know that something's wrong. <been out
of it for awhile...not quite sure what's up?>
Art said:The malware is the code that planted this (hypothetical?) stuff in the
registry and the accompanying script.
Same thing as above. Whatever planted the stuff in the registry is the
Following your logic, Windows itself is malware. That line just leads
to unnecessary confusion.
no, i don't think you're following me... i can place executable (script)
code *in* the registry... that code itself can be malware...
Several messages ago, I responded to David about "remember using" and
it was the C0008/5 command, now the important point is that I asked if any
code could get there if you didn't let it in <safe hex>. What I see from
your responses is that "perhaps" it could.
Isn't this still part of the
boot process, and wouldn't you know that something's wrong.
Art said:Well, I've never heard of that sort of thing being done or being
speculated on. If you claim it's possible I'm willing to take your
word for it. Apparently you're not aware of any known malware that
does this or you would have pointed it out.
No doubt there would be legit and useful purposes for something like
that, which makes it rather interesting.
Art said:What else?
If it's there it was planted by malicious code, no?
Ask yourself what crafted the the data maliciously and you should
understand what I'm saying.
Art said:And neither data nor code.
Never said or implied anything of the kind.
Sure you did - you said it is the program that is malicious not the data.