when will it stop ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott Tyler
  • Start date Start date
James Egan said:
I've been >1000 today as opposed to <1000 previously. What's keeping
this worm going when the last one fizzled out after a few days?
972 when I got to work this morning. During the day, another 500. So far,
everyone of them was stripped of the executable at the server.
Wouldn't let it beat me. I set up over 45 message filters in Outlook
Express and it did the trick. At least there all going into the
Deleted Items folder where I can deal with them easily.
from the wonderful person said:
User stupidity, plus it's mining a whole bunch of email addresses (from
usenet) which have probably not been hit before, plus it spreads via
Kazaa, and open network shares (can you say 'Plonkers'!) plus every
infected PC sends you two (at least) emails.

Still I'm down from ~1300 Saturday (~300 of which got through) to ~1000
Sunday (~10 got through), to ?? (results not yet in) Monday.

Oops - Monday my server-side filters bounced ~1500 (5 got through), so
maybe Sunday was just a slow day. You'd really hope that the big ISPs
would wake up and filter, wouldn't you, or even just leap on home users
who send out 100MB of email in a few hours.. 8<,

(Filter != passing on the email with the virus neutered. I really don't
want 1500 messages a day, whether they're neutered or not!).
In Message-ID:<[email protected]> posted
972 when I got to work this morning. During the day, another 500. So far,
everyone of them was stripped of the executable at the server.
Your numbers are similar to mine, except my email servers don't strip
attachments. Mailwasher is set to only download headers, so I can just
scan and delete off server without ever downloading any attachments.
I saw that... I don't think that message was generated by the virus

There could have been more than one that I missed, as I usually just
automate the deletion, but the cquirke addy stood out, so I unchecked it
and had a look see at the full header. Plus the fact that the MS blurb
was worded differently, made me wonder if maybe it's an advanced
manifestation of the worm, or maybe there's a prick in out midst?
Bart said:
In Message-ID:<[email protected]> posted

Your numbers are similar to mine, except my email servers don't strip
attachments. Mailwasher is set to only download headers, so I can just
scan and delete off server without ever downloading any attachments.

Mine too. I have set the filters in Mailwasher to mark 'not to me'.
It is easier to sort through and as soon as I am sure I am not deleting
mail I want, I will set it to delete automatically from server.
Vector Viper pounced upon this pigeonhole and pronounced:

Hey, I'll agree with that.

But SWEN is not coming from spammers. It's coming from clueless users with
unprotected computers and lack of common sense.

"Social engineering can be regarded as "people hacking"." ...

I always considered myself safe with computers. always do virus checks
on everything, never run stuff i don't know which is 100 % email.
never run those. And do full system checks alot. Guess Norton
anti-virus 2003 is junk if it couldn't prevent this.