When is Windows Vista RC1 Coming out

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Mather
  • Start date Start date
You are hereby fined $.25 for asking when the next build is coming out. :)

No one knows, but Jimmy is right. Not long now.
The "press on and put anything out" confirms that a broken Vista will be
more than likely be shipped, and there is already a ground swell of
criticism that they think so little of the product that they are doing it.
This gives a lot of businesses a compelling reason not to switch to the slap
dash push whatever out Vista. One thing certain, they won't be fooling
anyone who knows anything about how to use it if and when this happens.

"Thats right, despite the many reviews posted by various websites calling
for a Beta 3 Microsoft have stuck to their roadmap and gone from Beta 2 to
the RC1 branch. I wonder how many RC's there will be?" is a typical

Last week, on Friday, Microsoft made a branch for the RC1 Milestone build.
The branch is known as 'vista_rc1' and began with build
5504.16385.vista_rc1. Don't confuse this with the RC1 winmain branch that
began with the build 5420.0.winmain.060427-1900 back in April, because that
branch is still pressing on and will most likely see a build number jump
soon enough. By the way, I should note that 5504.16385 is effectively equal
to the build 5489.0.winmain which was built the same day.

5504 caries a new revision numbering scheme. However, this scheme was
causing problems in 5504 (ex: The Windows Sidebar wouldn't work) and was
temporarily removed with build 5505.0.vista_rc1.060731-2200, but you can
still expect this new revision Expect RC1 to milestone later on this month
and at least one interim build from the vista_rc1 branch will be released to
the Windows Vista Technical Beta Program between now and that milestone.

I don't believe Wendy monitors these newsgroups...She typically(rightfully)
stays in the Connect newsgroups.
It is coming out on the 2nd Wednesday of next Monday. Microsoft will be
charging a buck four-fifty for the downloads, but assures us that, even
though they take up an entire DVD for the ISO, the OS itself will only take
256k of drivespace and will boot up with daffy duck telling you to go check
the air pressure in your tires.
Are You a TAP Beta Tester? If not, then how do you know that Windows Vista
RC1 is coming soon?
Sound's Great if it's actually the Correct Date, because I was born on
August 15th, 1977, just FYI.
Are you a TAP Beta Tester? If not, then how do you know that RC1 is
coming soon?

"Soon" is anyone's interpretation, so who are you to say Jimmy's assertion
in incorrect?
15th August will mean the ordered DVD's with RC1 promised will arrive 15th
October or even November as the team who sent out the first version are only
catching up now :( pay for DVD & wait ages for RC1 or pay again to download &
burn RC1 to at least have it installed this year.
I am a MSDN OS Level Tester so I will be able to Download it just as soon as
it is Posted to MSDN Subscriber Download's, Just FYI (which does not get
Bogged Down as much as the General Public Download, Just FYI).
Sorry Kev, RC1 is NOT coming out August 1...

I am a MSDN OS Level Tester so I will be able to Download it just as soon
as it is Posted to MSDN Subscriber Download's, Just FYI (which does not get
Bogged Down as much as the General Public Download, Just FYI).
That would make it very worthwhile to go to some computer store or site and
get an inexpensive DVD writer or to use VM ware to install it downloading
from a MSFT server whether they are supposed to mail it to you or not if
you're interested in putting it on your box and you don't like waiting
