Holy thread revival Batman! I am going to take this thing to the max boys and girls so here is annuver post from moi on the subject of transport through the ages.
I last mentioned a red transit I owned in ’82/’83, unusual in that it was a straight 4 as opposed to the normal V4. Affectionately known as ‘Red Ruby’ here’s two pix from Glastonbury Festival ’82. And the rainbow? I didn’t know it was a Gay symbol, honestly I didn’t, often wondered why loads of geezers were smiling at me
To be honest it’s a bit hazy for me around that time, but I did sell the Transit and used a works escort van for doing radiography in for a while until I was made redundant mid-’83 from the radiography job. I haven’t worked as a radiographer since.
I then bought an escort van and commenced doing parcel delivery for my mate’s motor cycle messenger firm for a while. Plus was doing lots of discos in our jointly owned Transit.
I managed to have a prang at Notting Hill which mashed my Escort van’s driver door. So I got a door from a breakers yard which meant I had a dark brown door on an otherwise white van. I remember going to Whitby for a week’s holiday in that van with our friends Jan & Jeff in the back. They must have been mad, very uncomfortable.
Here’s a couple of pix, where that first one was taken, I have not a clue, somewhere in ecky-thump land, that much I know. Other pic just shows nearside of that old van. It was scruffy but it done well.
Also between 1982 and 1985 I owned and partially restored a 1951 Ford Anglia E494A, sidevalve, ‘sit-up-and-beg’, aileron indicators, bakelite dashboard, 3-speed gearbox, rod brakes and a wooden floor but I will devote a whole post to that one as I have quite a few pix.
In December ’83 I was breathalysed positive after a gig at Gants Hill and got a years ban from driving. Rightly so, I was a complete div. I have never had as much as a half pint pass my lips if I’m driving since.
In early ’84 I had an argument after a show at the Clarendon, Hammersmith with my disco partner and it ended in fisticuffs and I ended up flat on me back.
So I quit the partnership which found me without a vehicle (except the E494A which was dismantled), no driving licence and no jobs. Not a good time for the 33 year old Mr Flops.
So I went to the jobcentre and said ‘gissajob’. She said ‘What do you want to do?’ I replied ‘As little as possible for lots of money silly, so what you got?’
Whereupon she hit me, made herself a cup of coffee and we started again.
‘I’ve always wanted to fix tellys’ I told her in as firm and authoritative manner that I could muster and she looked at me and said ‘It’s your lucky day, a vacancy just came up at Deptford Skillcentre for a year’s electronics course in TV Servicing and digital techniques cos somebody just left. Normally you’d have to queue for two years for a place’.
So down to Deptford I went, spoke to a weasel faced Yorkshireman with a nervous tic, took a maths test which I miraculously passed and I was in. I’d missed the first six weeks of the course but luckily I knew most of what they’d covered.
So, at age 33 it was back to full time school, I did get a couple of regular gigs DJ-ing, they didn’t pay that well but I got by. Most skint year of my life. Met some interesting fellow course members on that course including a little Vietnamese fella who was quiet until about a month before the course ended he told us the story of his escape from Vietnam. Piracy, violence and detention play parts in his tale but that’s another story.
When I pick up this saga again I will have finished the course, gained a City & Guilds Part Two qualification and have reassembled my 1951 Ford Anglia to drive to Hastings in December on a freezing cold day to eat fish and chips the day I got my licence back.