Right on! I discovered Lister, and am able to call on its service by
entering it in the context menu, by using ContextEdit. Lister will
open *anything* to permit viewing the ascii makeup of such file.
Probably one of my most-appreciated.
Here is a similar utility that I like: Pure Text
"Have you ever copied some text from a web page, a word document,
help, etc., and wanted to paste it as simple text into another
application without getting all the formatting from the original
source? PureText makes this simple. Just copy/cut whatever you want to
the clipboard, click on the PureText tray icon, and then paste to any
application. Better yet, you can configure a Hot-Key to convert and
paste the text for you. The pasted text will be pure and free from
all formatting.
After running PureText.exe, you will see a "PT" tray icon appear near
the clock on your task bar. To convert the data currently in the
clipboard to pure text, simply click on the tray icon with the left
mouse button.
You can also configure a system-wide Hot-Key to be used to activate
PureText and convert the clipboard contents to pure text. To
configure, right-click on the tray icon and choose "Options" from the
pop-up menu. The default Hot-Key is WINDOWS+V. PureText can also
optionally paste the converted text into the window that currently has
the focus, which allows you to convert and paste in one keystroke."
Unicode support has been added since the last time I checked it.
Clean up some drive space though, the DL is 13k <G>.
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