I'm a software developer for a small company on a low wage at the moment,
despite good software. All this because I have just graduated and have no
proven track record of "many years", which is what companies look for these
Well i dont think MS can buy Java if that would be the case their would be no
dispute on JVMs because Sun labeled its JVM "Not for sale or molesting".
Regarding Linux Windows competition i dont thing Windows will remain ahead
for long time. We have seen that in past years Linus had seen a serious shape
up and gugs were removed first 2000 then 1000 bugs later nad the new Linus
kernel is entirely a different beast.
The benchmarks which microsft is braging on various sites that 2003 server
is 273% faster than Linux server. That truth we should see is that Linux
didnt integrated the latest kernel (i think 2.8) and released Linux 3 server
with old 2.4 version. Also in news fews days back Linux has unvieled that the
new LinuxServer will be having the latest kernel.
I believe Linux is going to cross Windows in next five years.
I'm 15. I havent tried .Net development yet. I mostly do low level C / ASM
stuff, may look into it though. I don't like the unportability of .NET
really, as I understand its not just a case of replacing header files and
renaming functions to port to *Nix.
True. OS's can bloat things but who wants to write a bootloader, PMode
system, VM and hardware drivers every time you want to code? Sure, you could
build a program that used the ZX80 or some motorola chip but would it really
be practical?
I prefer coding on existing platforms, I tried an OS but never got as far as
multitasking and SVGA.
I'm 48...why do I prefer to develop solutions with .NET architecture it's
Quicker to production/develop and higher end-user satisfaction means more
money in my pocket (ooops-wife's pocket). And at this point the most
enjoyable development environment.
I have 25 years of design experience (5 in Java/J2EE and 3 in .Net).
Everytime, I have made more profit and had a more satisfied customer with my
..Net solutions. Something age/experience does for you...ya make wiser
decisions (usually) nomatter how much you may despise someone-you take the
logical choice.