Whats in a name?

JaLing.... James Michael Ling..... simple

High_Lag (from when I gamed at lunch whilst working for an ISP..mmm bandwidth)

Acid_Ping (my first ever alias)

Nemera (Sounded cool.... use it for magic based RPGs i.e Diablo 2)

LiBraga (I pawned at Halo2... Little Bragger) use this for all PC online games,
just got my EVE account back of my brother... my mate says he really annoyed alot of people using my avatar.... oh well... should make it interesting

LiB MK2 (couldn't transfer my X-Box live account to my 360 so the next gen appeared)
MadxGraphics, ermm well as a kid I pretty much resembled Alfred E Newman from the Mad comics, and in recent years I worked for a company producing erm XXX graphics for XXX sites, so combined the two..

Jaling nice name by the way, same as mine lol without the Ling on the end...
Madxgraphics said:
MadxGraphics, ermm well as a kid I pretty much resembled Alfred E Newman from the Mad comics, and in recent years I worked for a company producing erm XXX graphics for XXX sites, so combined the two..

Shouldn't it be Madxxxgraphics then?

Mine? Not telling.:D :p
nivrip said:
Shouldn't it be Madxxxgraphics then?

Mine? Not telling.:D :p

It could have been, but as there was something in the forum guidelines about company names and e-mails in yer name, I went for one x, that way i'm not breaking any rules, although the company is no longer so probably wouldn't have mattered..
Mine's a bit obvious, people from Wales are often given the nickname of Taffy, and having lived with cats for a looooong time, I've probably inherited a few of their ways - er, with the exception of their litter-box habits that is! :lol:
Taffycat said:
Mine's a bit obvious, people from Wales are often given the nickname of Taffy, and having lived with cats for a looooong time, I've probably inherited a few of their ways - er, with the exception of their litter-box habits that is!

You gotta stop bringing mice and birds to your doorstep :p
Taffycat said:
:eek: So that's what has been making me so unpopular! :p
When my sister first lived in Somerset nightly her cat would go hunting & bring fresh victims to the back door in the morning, a quick pat on the cats head & remains of dead animal into a bin liner.
feckit said:
When my sister first lived in Somerset nightly her cat would go hunting & bring fresh victims to the back door in the morning, a quick pat on the cats head & remains of dead animal into a bin liner.

Why do animals bring us little presents..? My cat seriously put his life at risk last night by dropping a half dead pigeon on the end of our bed last night..I have a serious phobea for pigeons, can't even walf across Trafalgar Square it is that bad..PAt the cat on the head and remains of the dead animal into a bin liner...?????? Perhaps patting should be done with a flat hand and not a clenched fist..Sorry I have rather twisted mind..Might have something to do with cat and its prey last night..lol
It's a way of the cat saying thx for what you do.

I read somewhere it's a respect thing, dogs heed a masters call (eventually) whereas cats show respect by bringing trophies to their masters :(
Actually, in cat psychology, I think it's because you are his/her Kitten & s/he is feeding/providing for you lol.
After all... you obviously can't catch them for yourself yet.
I wonder if cats spend their whole lives waiting for us to grow up :rolleyes:

So... Now do you feel loved? :lol:
cirianz said:
Actually, in cat psychology, I think it's because you are his/her Kitten & s/he is feeding/providing for you lol.
After all... you obviously can't catch them for yourself yet.
I wonder if cats spend their whole lives waiting for us to grow up :rolleyes:

So... Now do you feel loved?

I wouldn't want to catch them they are evil, they are vermin and just bloody wrong, and if my cat wants to carry on getting fed, he best stop bring me half dead pigeons in the night
Madxgraphics said:
I wouldn't want to catch them they are evil, they are vermin and just bloody wrong, and if my cat wants to carry on getting fed, he best stop bring me half dead pigeons in the night

Does your cat drop vermin in the bath ?.... You haven't buried it in a ancient Indian cemetary have you.... reminds me of Pet Cemetery.
Mine's quite a daft one to be honest.

When I was in my last year of school (probably this time last year) The school's ICT Technician taught me how to do a bit of programming using VBA, and he used to write some bits of code and then leave it in my account (with silly titles such as... "please open me, but save your work first...") and for the author of the file he called it "Nobody in particular". :p

So thats where the name came from lol