What was the last Intel chipset that had Win-98 Drivers?

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Have a look at wireless support some time.

That doesn't interst me. Wireless is too insecure. What else does XP do
better? I have XP on this PC and Win2K on the other PC but I can't think of
anything that XP does that Win2K can't. Just the GUI is the only real
difference I see. Ok, I admit XP has better backwards game support due to
the compatibility options but if you are not a gamer then I really don't
see a reason to use XP over Win2K. Win2K has no activation BS which is a
big plus in my book.
System Restore for a start.

As Rod will tell you, it is better to use an imaging program than system
restore. Mind you, I admit that system restore has saved my butt a couple
of times. Lots of people turn it off though.
Garrot said:
Rod Speed wrote
That doesn't interst me.

Irrelevant to your original.
Wireless is too insecure.

Its perfectly possible to secure it adequately.
What else does XP do better?

Heaps of stuff.

Most obviously the system restore which makes life a hell of
a lot easier when things go pear shaped with an install etc.

Much better support for dinosaur apps that dont like 2K.

The files and settings transfer wizard makes migration much more convenient.

Much more flexible user interface.

Lots of basic fixes done rather better than they are done in 2K.

Much better automatic support for the new
stuff that appear as disk drives on usb etc.

Much better automatic support for stuff like ipods, satnavs etc,
they just load the appropriate app when you plug them in etc.

Etc etc etc.
I have XP on this PC and Win2K on the other PC but
I can't think of anything that XP does that Win2K can't.

You clearly need to 'think' harder.

The wireless wizard that came with XP SP2 leaves even
the wireless support in XP SP1 for dead for starters.
Just the GUI is the only real difference I see.

You need new glasses bad. Most obviously with the system restore.
Ok, I admit XP has better backwards game support due
to the compatibility options but if you are not a gamer
then I really don't see a reason to use XP over Win2K.

It aint just games where XP leaves 2K for dead in that regard.
Win2K has no activation BS which is a big plus in my book.

Neither does the corp versions of XP either or
what comes supplied with most new systems.
Garrot said:
Conor wrote
As Rod will tell you, it is better to use an
imaging program than system restore.

I dont say that. I do the incremental image before installs
or upgrades but use the system restore when things go
pear shaped and only restore the image when the system
restore doesnt do the job, essentially because the system
restore is a lot quicker. I've only ever had to restore the
image once, and used system restore heaps of times fine.
Mind you, I admit that system restore
has saved my butt a couple of times.

Yeah, me too. And its a lot easier to set a number
of restore points when debugging an install abortion
than to do multiple image restores too.
Lots of people turn it off though.

Sure, but thats an entirely separate matter to where XP leaves 2K for dead.

XP certainly has some downsides, it needs more physical
ram for example for the same performance. But ram is so
cheap that thats a very academic downside. I'm happy to
pay a little more for the convenience that comes with XP.
Neither does the corp versions of XP either or
what comes supplied with most new systems.

Wireless is never secure but that's besides the point. Yes, there are some
ok features in XP but nothing that does much for me personally. But what's
this about no activation for XP with new PC's? You're talking about Home
and Pro versions? As for Corporate edition, that is not what most people
own, unless they are a pirate.
Garrot said:
Rod Speed wrote
Wireless is never secure

but that's besides the point.

Yes, there are some ok features in XP but
nothing that does much for me personally.

Irrelevant to your original claim.
But what's this about no activation for XP with new PC's?
You're talking about Home and Pro versions?

Yep, what comes preinstalled with most PCs doesnt require
activation, particularly when its not some backyard assembler.
As for Corporate edition, that is not what
most people own, unless they are a pirate.

Yes, but it is available and doesnt require activation.

Nope, wireless by it's nature is insecure no matter what measures you take
to secure it. There's a reason some universities won't allow students on
the network if they have wireless.

Yep, what comes preinstalled with most PCs doesnt require
activation, particularly when its not some backyard assembler.

That's because it has been already activated by Dell or whoever. If you
have to reinstall you have to activate it again.
Garrot said:
Rod Speed wrote


wireless by it's nature is insecure no matter
what measures you take to secure it.

There's a reason some universities won't allow
students on the network if they have wireless.

Yep, they cant be sure that every system has been properly secured.
That's because it has been already activated by Dell or whoever.

Nope, it doesnt have any activation, just like the corp editions dont.
If you have to reinstall you have to activate it again.

Wrong again.
Nope, it doesnt have any activation, just like the corp editions dont.

Wrong again.

I'm not going to argue the points about wireless anymore but I have done my
research and I don't want wireless for the reason stated.

The version of XP you are talking about can't be transferred to another PC
as my retail version can so I wouldn't want that either.
Garrot said:
Rod Speed wrote
I'm not going to argue the points about wireless anymore but I have
done my research and I don't want wireless for the reason stated.

You clearly didnt do your 'research' adequately.
The version of XP you are talking about can't be transferred to
another PC as my retail version can so I wouldn't want that either.

Irrelevant to that claim you made.
Mindlessly silly.

Gets sillier by the minute.

You might know harddrives but you don't know security. If you think you can
completely make a network secure then you are a fool. But we already know
you are.

Getting back to the XP that doesn't need activation with pre-built
computers. I think you are confusing image files that one resotres from a
hidden partition that have already been activated. That's not the same as a
license from Microsoft that doesn't need activation. Only the corporate
version has that and not just anyone can aford to buy 1000 licenses of
corporate XP.
Garrot said:
Rod Speed wrote
You might know harddrives but you don't know security.

We'll see...
If you think you can completely make a network secure then you are a fool.

Have fun explaining the hordes of systems world wide that manage that fine.
But we already know you are.

Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
Getting back to the XP that doesn't need activation with pre-built
computers. I think you are confusing image files that one resotres
from a hidden partition that have already been activated.

Nope. What comes with packaged system, most obviously
laptops, isnt ever activated by anyone, they are just the same
as the corp editions that arent ever activated by anyone either.
That's not the same as a license from Microsoft that doesn't
need activation. Only the corporate version has that

Wrong, as always.
and not just anyone can aford to buy 1000 licenses of corporate XP.

You dont need 1K licenses either.
Ga> Nope. What comes with packaged system, most obviously
laptops, isnt ever activated by anyone, they are just the same
as the corp editions that arent ever activated by anyone either.

Can you point me to info on this version?

Your wireless router use WEP or WPA?
Conor said:
System Restore for a start.

Big deal. It's on ME, remember? You would know that something's fishy
when the movie that introduces it shows a 4 year old hitting a computer
with a toy hammer and all the icons fly away to heaven?

By the way, don't whine too loud, son. Somebody nabbed my 2000 disc
last year during my move and 98/ME is all I have. Mind you I'm using an
MSI-6195? K7Pro with 700 MHz Athlon slot A and 10 GB HDD and it was
used by a large corporation from 1998-2004 with only 4 GB (which I
didn't get with the free carcass). I have 3 surplus units to get going
for other clients who don't have one, and one is a P4. I don't care
about that. They'll have to learn some things like I have and save for
better too.

MY friends have kids, mortgages and minivans. I have a rusty Western
Flyer, no debts and too many cats to feed, who should all leave the
Church and seek birth control. I may be crazy, but I don't envy them!