Sinner said:
Upgrading from one OS to another, even within the same family, has never
been a strong suit for Windows. A clean installation is always best.
That's not at all true.
A properly prepared and maintained PC can almost always be
successfully upgraded by a knowledgeable and competent individual. I've
lost count of the systems I've seen that have been upgraded from Win95
to Win98 to Win2K to WinXP (usually with incremental hardware upgrades
over the same time period), without the need for a clean installation,
and that are still operating without any problems attributable to upgrades.
Granted, some people will blindly recommend that one always perform
a clean installation, rather than upgrade over an earlier OS. For the
most part, I feel that these people, while usually well-meaning, are
living in the far past, and are either basing their recommendation on
their experiences with much older operating systems, or are simply
inexperienced and uninformed.
Granted, there are times when an in-place upgrade is contra-indicated:
1) When the underlying hardware isn't certified as being fully
compatible with the newer OS, and/or updated device drivers are not
available from the device's manufacturer. Of course, this condition also
causes problems with clean installations.
2) When the original OS is corrupt, damaged, and/or virus/malware
infested. I've also seen simple, straight-forward upgrades from WinXP
Home to WinXP Pro fail because the computer owner had let the system
become malware-infested. Upgrading over a problematic OS isn't normally
a wise course to establishing a stable installation.
3) When the new OS isn't designed to properly, correctly, and safely
perform an upgrade.
But even more importantly, the newer installation mechanisms (partition
images vs. file-by-file copying) used by Vista and Win7 render your
assertions even more irrelevant.
Bruce Chambers
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Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot