What Linux distro to use for old Intel machine, that fits on CDs?

  • Thread starter Thread starter raylopez99
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* Psyc Geek:
use the ATARI. you can get one for like 50 cents at a swap meet.

Really? The last ATARIs I've seen weren't that cheap any more (at least
if the condition was somewhat good) as they seem to become collector's

In comp.os.linux.advocacy The Ghost In The Machine said:
OK, Microsoft Word, Write, Word Perfect, emacs, kate.

You forgot abiword

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| (e-mail address removed) |in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
| |can't move, with no hope of rescue. |
| Andrew Halliwell BSc |Consider how lucky you are that life has been |
| in |good to you so far... |
| Computer Science | -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
The Ghost In The Machine said:
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, raylopez99
<[email protected]>

OK. IE7 or Firefox. IE8 is pending, AIUI.
Opera, Epiphany, and Galeon are also available,
depending on OS.

OK. Bat, Eudora, Evolution, balsa, kmail, in no particular order.


OK. Be advised disney.com requires Flash 9.

OK, Microsoft Word, Write, Word Perfect, emacs, kate.


A point, that.

If you need something that will fit on a CD, get CPM. It was before
DOS, and Windows.
It works great. Lots of keyboard shortcuts. great manuals. it just
works. no graphics,
but hey, what can i say.
* Psyc Geek:

Really? The last ATARIs I've seen weren't that cheap any more (at least
if the condition was somewhat good) as they seem to become collector's


i did not say WORKING ...