Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
KP> It has some very nice diagnostic tools that Windows lacks,
KP> though, like dig and nsupdate.
Whilst, conversely, Microsoft's DNS server is far better documented than ISC's
BIND is. (In respect of the vendor-supplied documentation, Microsoft's DNS
server is the best documented of those that I have encountered, with "djbdns"
coming second. ISC's BIND is actually quite poorly documented in comparison
to either. Taking third-party books into account as well, Microsoft's DNS
server is _still_ better documented than ISC's BIND.)
It's a bit tricky to class "nsupdate" as a diagnostic tool, by the way. I've
encountered softwares (DHCP clients) that use it for the purpose of adding
data to the DNS database, rather than as a diagnostic tool.
KP> though, like dig and nsupdate.
Whilst, conversely, Microsoft's DNS server is far better documented than ISC's
BIND is. (In respect of the vendor-supplied documentation, Microsoft's DNS
server is the best documented of those that I have encountered, with "djbdns"
coming second. ISC's BIND is actually quite poorly documented in comparison
to either. Taking third-party books into account as well, Microsoft's DNS
server is _still_ better documented than ISC's BIND.)
It's a bit tricky to class "nsupdate" as a diagnostic tool, by the way. I've
encountered softwares (DHCP clients) that use it for the purpose of adding
data to the DNS database, rather than as a diagnostic tool.