What is the most important part of the computer.

What do you think is the most important part of the computer.

  • Processor

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Motherboard

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • Power Supply

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Case

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Video Card

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Sound Card

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Hard Drive

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Other(reply)

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I think that the 2 most important parts is the motherboard and the processor.
Last edited:
I always hype on about the MB ... but, it won't work very well without the other components.

um not sure what the point of this is sorry:confused:
a pc wont work without a cpu, a psu or a motherboard
the motherboard is the most important but it has to be matched accordingly with the rest of the system
I voted "other" because the most important part of my computer is ME ;)
As ever, the same maxim applies, all parts are
equal, the weakest link determines the performance of all the other parts.

But, for sake of argument, the motherboard. I've learnt, over years, it makes the most difference. It IS worth spending extra here.
The electric supply is kinda helpful. ;)

Seriously, i think all the parts are as important as each other. PC's wont work with a bit missing.....But you do need a good operator.
What is the most important part of the computer

The Motherboard as everything else is plugged in to it :nod:
Upon thinking this through.....

the most important part A broken or loose component?:nod:

Without all the parts needed it's pretty useless. But I would say the MB and PSU.


mudfrog said:

Without all the parts needed it's pretty useless. But I would say the MB and PSU.



Ya know, looking at that, imo that's probably about right.

Those two components will have the most influence on the performance of any machine.

It's all very well to say 'you need all the parts for it to work' (which I actually have said ;) ) but if we are to view the original question as to which parts are the most important, which could mean will influence a machine's performance the most, then it has to be the Motherboard and PSU. Definitely not worth skimping here.

And, ohmigawd, I've come over all sortta sensible :p
floppybootstomp said:
And, ohmigawd, I've come over all sortta sensible :p
Must be the age ...
