vaio said:
Crunching crunching and computers do other stuff?
Hmm... how to reply to this post without sounding offensive or coming across as a complete grump?
Let's just say this: I'm still crunching, mostly because I'd like to believe.
Along the way, Mr Flops has developed a healthy degree of cynicism though.
Of course computers do other stuff. Yes, I know, it was a joke, I do apreciate that but that message does have an underlying message maybe. Maybe hiding an obsession.
Nowt wrong with obsessions, btw, especially if they doing good, but I'd just like to say what I gotta say.
I started crunching almost nine years ago. It caught my imagination. Cure Cancer? Brilliant. Only on dial up; putting machines together from scrounged and borrowed bits just to crunch; creeping into my kids bedroom whilst they were asleep to upload results (and they had to put up with computer being on all night but they never complained) that's how obsessed I was.
Along the way I've brushed with the assholes at the Folding At Home Forum; I've read lots of reports that hint at Private companies using our research time and our electricty bill just to further their own drugs company research to make more profits; I've read that all the time we put in doesn't do any good at all.
But - I still crunch. Why? Because I want to believe.
I want to believe that we, us human beings, worldwide, can maybe help to cure these blights put upon us.
Cancer, AIDS, all manner of nasty diseases, I'd love to think we can help.
So I crunch.
But, after nine yeras and being bitten by the very thing I was trying to help find a cure for, I am a little cynical.
I was once posessed, I am no longer. When I go out now, I turn my machines. Off. I am no longer obsessed with scores, they don't bother me. I do know, however, that I am silently contributing. Whether my contribution , whether any contribution, will help, I really don't know.
But I'd like to think so. Wouldn't you?
Vaio, you work as a nurse - is that correct?
If so I have nothing but huge respect for you. Over the last two years I've spent a fair bit of time in hospital. October, 2006, I was in a ward, I'd just had a tube inserted into my stomach for feeding in case the radiotherapy made it impossible for me to swallow.
This one guy, a nurse, big lanky fella, looked after me. He hooked me up to the feed contraption, tested everything out. He noticed my I-Pod with movies on, spoke about getting one for himself but figured it would be a few more pay days before he could get one. He helped me. Don't know his name but I'll never forget him.
And for what it was worth this guy was Gay, he told me, that was the extent of our friendship. And I'd like to think it was a friendship, not just him doing his job.
So, after all that time crunching, the thing I was hoping to find a cure for bit me. Ironic eh?
Vaio, if you be in that line of work you must have seen the suffering, God knows I have, that whole experience opened my eyes to a whole new world. A world that is largely ignored because nobody wants to believe it will happen to them.
My dietician is a gorgeous lady aged about 38 from Newcastle who I adore and love her company. She told me that when she mentions her work in social circles, peeps clam up or walk away. Seems nobody wants to admit cancer exists. I asked her why she chose her path. She replied 'Somebody's gotta do it'
I asked her if she ever got fed up seeing so much suffering. She said if she can help then that's good enough. She also said that I stood as a good example of somebody coming out the right side. How long I last is anybody's guess though, lol, but I'd like to think that now I quit smoking I gonna last forever
What am I trying to say by this rather long and self-expunging post? What I'm saying is yes, crunching is a good thing, but be wary. I'm also saying don't become obsessed by it, there are better things to get your jollies off on.
Computers also: Play Games; Do word processing; browse the net; edit photos and videos and a whole heap of other stuff.
They are not exclusive to crunching.
Hopefully I've made my point without becoming abusive, derogatory or self-pitying.
I'd like to think so.
Crunch on