What is the main usage for your PC?

What is the main usage for your PC?

  • Gaming

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • Office Work

    Votes: 10 9.3%
  • Internet

    Votes: 22 20.6%
  • A bit of everything

    Votes: 65 60.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 3.7%

  • Total voters
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Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Do you use your PC for gaming, office work, the net or a bit of everything?

Playing minesweeper doesn't count as a game ;)
Gaming mainly, but just about everything else too. :)
The only reason I built my first computer was to play Doom II :D

Then I discovered it could do other stuff like Word Processing.

My goodness :eek:
The net, Games and Comms mainly with a little A/V editing thrown in now and then
A bit of enerything . An I try to make it as pleasant and as much fun as I can . :D
An assortment of jobs...Thats the whole point in owning a pc isn't it...Otherwise everyone would just have a games console...:nod:
Yes, it's a bit of everything here too, including games (GW, not Minesweeper :p ) Shopping, communicating with friends, writing, PC crafts, photo editing/storage, surfing in general......... makes me wonder how we ever used to manage without one (pre 2001) :D Great fun and a wonderful "tool" to own :nod:

Wouldn't it be great if every home in the country really could have one? I bet there are oodles of folk out there who would be amazed at how useful PCs are, if only they had access to one of their own. Just a thought :)
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wait wait wait...... computers can do more than play games?! when did this happen?

my machine is used solely for games, Dont work in an office. By 'bit of everything' you mean music right? Only other thing i do is watch the occasional Dvd'y
Electronics & Photo Fan said:
No-one mentioned crunching?!
100 brownie points to you ...

Ian, make sure this man get a free Title. ;)

One does tend to forget it is there, doing it's thing, not interfering with the day-to-day running of your PC ... I'm not surprised people forget. :D

Though, I do have 4 other PCs that just crunch.

oh, and I use mine for everything.
Electronics & Photo Fan said:
No-one mentioned crunching?!
Thats just natural for my pc now. :D
not just a bit maybe a little more that a bit!! like 2 bit 3 bit but you know nowadays bit is nothing in every field we find GIG and who know!!?? maybe some years later we see TERA ... OK! then bit is just like swear then I do a MEG of everything !
POD said:
not just a bit maybe a little more that a bit!! like 2 bit 3 bit but you know nowadays bit is nothing in every field we find GIG and who know!!?? maybe some years later we see TERA ... OK! then bit is just like swear then I do a MEG of everything !

You're a loony :eek:
Asus m2a-vm Deluxe
AMD Athalon 64 ClawHammer 4000+ 1MB L2 Cache
2 GB DDR PC 3200
ATI Radeon 1250 SE 128mb
320GB 16MB SATA-II Seagate Baracuda
250GB 8MB SATA-II Seagate Baracuda
19" CRT Hansol Mazellan 900P
Just bought Theme Hospital to play on my laptop.
What a game & so like real the real NHS!:lol:
What is the main reason for my PC?

A bit of everything, but mainly surfing the web. But I would love to know how to put a quote in my response permanently.
V_R said:
Gaming mainly, but just about everything else too. :)

Love the TAG VR mate,

As with you gaming is my main use but I do browse and do office work too.

<<VR I take it you play COD4 mate? Look out for my user Yuri-Gagarin. What's your user name mate?>>
VR I take it you play COD4 mate? Look out for my user Yuri-Gagarin. What's your user name mate?
check xfire sig. :)
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