Here's what that author of IKVM responded on the licensing question.
His interpretation was similar to my own original interpretation, so
we may have to ask the authors of classpath and ziplib to confirm that
this is also what they mean by the exception.
Jeroen Frijters [
[email protected]] wrote:
"IKVM.GNU.Classpath.dll is clearly a derived work and therefore falls
under the GNU Classpath license (GPL + exception [1]). This is part of
the reason why I renamed it (to make that more clear).
The IKVM runtime and tools, however, are not derived works and only
link with GNU Classpath. By my understanding of the GNU Classpath
license (specifically the exception part), this does not require the
IKVM runtime and tools to licensed under the GPL and thus it falls
under its own license (the "zlib license")."
The exception part of the license says:
"If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your
version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so."
I interpret this to mean that my modified version of GNU Classpath
must be licensed under the GPL *or* the GPL + exception. I choose to
license it under the GPL + exception.
I believe that the intention is to force people to release the source
to their modifications of Classpath, but not to their independent
Perhaps you could ask them to clarify the wording to say something
Feel free to ask them, but I think it is unlikely that they will do
I'm sure the current wording was written (or at least reviewed) by the
FSF lawyers, so I'm assuming they already feel it is clear enough.