What IS and what ISN'T freeware IMO.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
  • Start date Start date
I'm relatively new to this newsgroup (my first post, though I've been
lurking)). But, I'm not new to freeware. I've benefited from the work done
by members of this group via the pricelessware site(s). Thank you, all, for
your part(s) in those efforts.

Hi Chuck!
<Opinions on>
I agree that there is little more annoying than following a link to a
"freeware download site" only to discover that is some kind of crap-ware. I
don't know exactly who John is, but he's oviously a voice of some authority
here. I agree with most of what he says, though I may dissagree on some of
the subtler distinctions. Postcard-ware, care-ware, donation-ware, is
freeware, I believe (as long as it's totally voluntary and relatively nag
free) .

The varied licence methods and tactics employed really do make categorizing
difficult to impossible.
Even nag free has shades of meaning To me, a mention of and a link to a
donation site is fine in an unobtrusive place, such as a help/about dialog
window, but force me to click through to such a site in order to exit the
program (or such like) and you've crossed the line!

Crippleware is also a relative term. As an example of freeware which is
crippled yet very useful, take Roboform. This little gem saved me from the
jaws of the Gator. The freeware version is close to fully functional,
limited to 3 credit cards per ID (you can use Multiple IDs as a workaround)
and limited to 30 sites stored. This was made clear from the beginning and
seemed quite reasonable. After using it a while and bumping into the
"minor" limitations occasionally, I decided the program was usefull enough
to pay to upgrade to the pro version. My wife on the other hand didn't surf
as widely as me, so, she would have been very happy with only the
"crippleware" version. As it turned out there was a (either very cheap or
free) way to get the license on a second machine, so we're both using now!
This to me epitimzes a frewware/commercial coexistance that should still be
considered "freeware".

If the program performs the main function, such as being an effective firewall,
but the bells and whistles stop working at some point I don't consider it
crippleware. I consider this bloatware, in which the author wants to sell bloat
by giving freely a firewall.
A copule of open questions:
What if the author charges for acess to the site (to defray expenses - or
for other reasons) but does not charge for the freeware itself. Does that,
under the cannonical definition of freeware, make the software
"not-freeware"? If it does, does that mean that all the software I've
downloaded from Snapfile Pro (nee "my web attack ") is not freeware???

I'll bet most will agree that this is not freeware. I also doubt the author will
not receive very much business.
What about "sillyware", as found on Silly Sot Software's site. Here, Ian
requires that you send him something funny, (real world object or
email(joke or funny picture)) to be authorized to freely use his Iconoid
program. Surely this is not disqualified as "freeware"?? Similarly for

It's just not possible to come up with definitions that will be universally
accepted. In the end, each user must make that personal decision. That can lead
to arguments if the program is suggested here based on an individual decision.
We all differ somewhat on what is useful and can be considered freeware.

As much as I dislike ads, I must realize that to another ads might be acceptable
and even a bonus; Opera. Some people like ads catered to their interest, go
figure. I'm not going to recommend adware and I don't want to see it here unless
it is tagged, but I do respect the needs others might have. (I realize there is
a dead group for adware, and I don't want to debate, just giving my opinion of
the differing interests and respect for them, I can skip any post that is tagged
that I do not want to read) I'd much rather see the group stay devoted to true
freeware though.

Obviously, it is best to suggest the truer freeware programs when they exist to
avoid debate. There are great programs for almost every PC need. The PDF creator
and TrueType font categories are lacking, but there is good freeware for most
every other need. If in doubt, check the PL pages!
I agree with whoever said that we need to gauge the authors "Moral

Again, welcome to the posting side!
I usee some postcardware software, that is considered freeware.
Sending a postcard is entirely optional.

I have several postcards to send even though they are not requested. It is a
very small chore that will mean much to the author receiving it.
I agree. Anyone who can't remember more than one letter for a name.....

I think of Q as that quirky alien on Star Trek. I'm afraid to argue with him
because he will turn me into a goat or something. :)

Mark Carter said:
Henk de Jong wrote:

OTOH, some crippleware might be useful. For example, I'm currently using
Kerio Personal Firewall, and the "full" free version is about to expire
in a few days. However, I've looked at their website, and it appears
that the only things that will be crippled are a few of its less useful
features. On that basis, I am reasonably happy to have it called "freeware".

If a program admirably performs it's stated purpose I think it would be unfair to
describe it as crippled. It would be daft to favour a grossly inferior "full" free
program that was also lacking exactly the same features simply because they had
never been added to it.

The only trial feature in Kerio I'd consider important is the settings password,
it's other trial features seem to be added fluff.

I would certainly want to mention the time limited features as I would mention
any deficiencies or bugs I was aware of with any program I endorse, so people
don't waste their time and money downloading something unsuitable for them.
So when someone
suggested that buying Quicken/MS Money was a better alternative than the
freeware on offer, I thought that this was a reasonable statement to

If they've tried free alternatives and found nothing suitable, I wouldn't have
any complaint in a poster recommending a commercial program to me here.
Otherwise I might end up paying far more for something less good, and if
I have to go to other forums to get a complete answer It would reduce
the worth of asking in ACF.


Mister Charlie said:
All I know is 'here we go again'. I only wonder what prompted this
latest catalyst blast?
I believe the starter of this thread was the person who thought "chatter"
would hurt the NG. Ironic, isn't it?
I think of Q as that quirky alien on Star Trek. I'm afraid to argue with him
because he will turn me into a goat or something. :)

Oops. Now we have to ask himself. (Maybe he has answered this before and
I missed it.) *I* always thought of Desmond Llewelyn - "Q" in James Bond

BeAr <Confused>
"B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson" <[email protected]>
wrote in said:
Oops. Now we have to ask himself. (Maybe he has answered this
before and I missed it.) *I* always thought of Desmond Llewelyn -
"Q" in James Bond films.

BeAr <Confused>

Those are the two most common ones people associate with the letter Q
as a moniker, though I've heard a few others on Usenet. My surname
does not contain the letter Q, but the first syllable is pronounced
just as the letter is, and it's a nickname I've had for as long as I
can recall.

(This is not to say that I can't or won't turn anyone into a goat or
that I don't develop such things as flamethrower wristwatches in my
spare time. ;)
and can get it via CD in an Googalong
Magazine that ONE person has bought and distributes it to his
computer owning not-having-internet friends it's freeware.

The licences that come with magazineware don't grant the right to
redistribute. The fact that it's possible to redistribute it doesn't
matter -- it's possible to redistribute Windows 98 as well.
On Sat, 07 Aug 2004 18:15:55 GMT, »Q« wrote:

(This is not to say that I can't or won't turn anyone into a goat or
that I don't develop such things as flamethrower wristwatches in my
spare time. ;)

I'll test your watches if you let my bearskin untouched. I don't like me
wearing billygoat fur and all... ;-)

»Q« said:
The licences that come with magazineware don't grant the right to
redistribute. The fact that it's possible to redistribute it doesn't
matter -- it's possible to redistribute Windows 98 as well.
»Q« said:
"B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson" <[email protected]>

Those are the two most common ones people associate with the letter Q
as a moniker, though I've heard a few others on Usenet. My surname
does not contain the letter Q, but the first syllable is pronounced
just as the letter is, and it's a nickname I've had for as long as I
can recall.
Spew? Is that you?
