What WinXP freeware do you use to create local HTML galleries (with easily
clickable web links to the larger local photographs)?
ImageWalker. http://www.imagewalker.com
What WinXP freeware do you use to create local HTML galleries (with easily
clickable web links to the larger local photographs)?
Googling, I found FreshView for Windows freeware at:
The download page required an email account (which is surprising for
freeware). Having been spammed to death already, I created a new yahoo
account but the FreshDevices web page won't accept Yahoo email (huh?).
On Sat, 05 Aug 2006 19:15:20 GMT, dadiOH wrote:
IrfanView (unfortunately) failed to create the desired web page.
Can someone tell me what settings to use in IrfanView thumbnail view
such that the saved HTML file actually shows the thumbnails?
barb said:Can anyone else vouch for this "Fresh Devices" outfit as a fitting
replacement for the otherwise venerable IrfanView for creating a web page
of thumbnail images linked to the originals?
barb said:IrfanView (unfortunately) failed to create the desired web page.
Can someone tell me what settings to use in IrfanView thumbnail view
such that the saved HTML file actually shows the thumbnails?
0. I started with an empty directory:
mkdir c:\pic
And then I put a folder of 500 original photographs there.
4. I pressed "File" & then "Save selected thumbs as HTML file".
The options chosen were:
Main result HTML file name: index.html
Destination folder: c:\pic
Thumbnails sub-folder: c:\pic\thumbs
Thumbnail file prefix: th_
Thumbnail flie suffix: _th
Images sub-folder: c:\pic\images
Filder with HTML templates: c:\programs\viewers\irfanview\html\
[x]Copy original images to destination folder (recommended)
[x]Create one HTML file for each thumbnail (HTML browsing)
optikl said:Stay away from the Fresh Devices stuff. Some of their utilities are
quite good. But, I suspect they fund their utilities by selling names
and addresses of users.
easily clickable web links to the larger local photographs)?
barb said:Since Irfanview keeps writing the full path (including the "./c:") into the
index.html IMG SRC tag, I'm going to have to give up on the otherwise
fantastic IrfanView and find something else that works to create a simple
web page of thumbnails pointing to the larger originals.
Googling, I found FreshView for Windows freeware at:
The download page required an email account (which is surprising for
freeware). Having been spammed to death already, I created a new yahoo
account but the FreshDevices web page won't accept Yahoo email (huh?).
A warning on the FreshDevices web page ominously says:
Do not use free email accounts. Our system is not compatible with
some ISP. You may report to your ISP about it, mostly related
with their e-mail filtering/blocking/anti-spam settings.
Hmmm... sounds like a potential spam house or spyware threat to me.
Can anyone else vouch for this "Fresh Devices" outfit as a fitting
replacement for the otherwise venerable IrfanView for creating a web page
of thumbnail images linked to the originals?
Voila! XnView worked like a charm!
Having failed (as explained in great detail) to create a web page with
thumbnails linked to the original JPEGs using the freeware IrfanView, the
suspected spyware FreshView, the hard-to-install javaware JAlbum, and the
hard-to-navigate YoPoW, I just now tried your suggested XnView.
Here's what I did.
0. I already had all my originals in c:\pic\original
I deleted everything else so that there were no other files or
directories in c:\pic other than the directory of 500 originals.
1. I started up XnView version 1.82.4 & viewed the following defaults:
"View" "Layout" = (left frame thumbnails, right frame originals)
"View" "Thumbnail Size" = 92 x 69 pixels [snip]
20. Finally, when I double-clicked on the index.html file:
the thumbnails were all in the left frame and whichever thumbnail
was selected showed the 25% shrunken original in the right pane.
Alas indeed. It appears to me that you did what you were supposed
to have done. The only thing I can suggest is to try it again
Don't specify a folder for thumbs.
Let them wind up in the folder with the HTML file.
Exactly. Pretty easy to do -- you have to start the process in 'thumbnail'
view. Once Irfanview is open, press 't'. Then follow the above instructions.
Too easy.
ImageWalker. http://www.imagewalker.com
barb said:So that others benefit from the rollup, it looks like the following dozen
are the suggested programs for those frugalers among us who create web
pages of our photographs using Windows freeware.
irfanview http://www.irfanview.com/
xnview: http://perso.orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enfeatures.html
jalbum http://jalbum.net/
porta http://www.stegmann.dk/mikkel/porta/
iwebalbum http://www.eunq.com/index.html
yopow http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/yopow/yopow.htm
ethumbs http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ethumbe.htm
imagewalker. http://www.imagewalker.com
imcat http://www.nulidex.com/products/image_catalog.shtml
thumbawumba http://www.snapfiles.com/get/thumba.html
freshview http://www.freshdevices.com/freshview.html
Sample http://cfaj.freeshell.org/web/examples/cbronline.jpg.shtml
Stylesheet http://cfaj.freeshell.org/web/examples/img.css
Script http://cfaj.freeshell.org/web/examples/mkthumbindex.txt
barb said:What WinXP freeware do you use to create local HTML galleries (with easily
clickable web links to the larger local photographs)?
This Windows photo-gallery freeware needs to do only two basic tasks:
- Given a directory of large originals - create smaller thumbnails
- Create a local index.html linking the thumbnails to the larger originals
Here's what failed!
Googling, I find some advocated Irfanview. But, while Irfanview is a great
fast photo viewer and while Irfanview easily creates thumbnails, I couldn't
figure out how to force Irfanview to output a simple index.html of those
thumbnails which points to the larger originals. http://www.irfanview.com
freshdevices will email you with updates for the product you downloadedA warning on the FreshDevices web page ominously says:
Do not use free email accounts. Our system is not compatible with
some ISP. You may report to your ISP about it, mostly related
with their e-mail filtering/blocking/anti-spam settings.
Hmmm... sounds like a potential spam house or spyware threat to me.
Can anyone else vouch for this "Fresh Devices" outfit as a fitting
replacement for the otherwise venerable IrfanView for creating a web page
of thumbnail images linked to the originals?