Heather said:
ROFL!! After flipping thru the totally boring *nyah nyah* posts on
this......I can't believe that there are idiots out there that don't know
who Debbie/Trackers/FerretFace is.......she is a total nutbar who drives
everyone on security and antivirus ng's nuts!! She also calls herself
"Beef's Old Lady" (barf......there's a horrible picture!!)
Shaking my head at the dolts who half believe her. Give your heads a shake,
Grinning to myself coz it looks like the hackers got to her
computer......her clock is wrong and she *claims* that is a big sign you
have been hacked.......bwa ha ha!!
What floors me is that so many people give her exactly what she wants, gobs
of replies on how dumb and stupid she is. Every reply just makes her smile
bigger, and encourages her to keep doing it. Just like those folks on the
a.c.a.c and other ng's do every time she posts a inane message there. If
memory serves me well, she's been there at least twice in the past 3-4 days,
and each time there were gobs of replies there too. If everyone just
ignored the dweeb, with merely a posted warning by one of the regulars to
warn those who don't know her, she'd have no one but 'ol beefy baby to stoke
her fractured ego, and it would save a lot of needless time, and in some
cases, money spent downloading all that useless garbage for those still on
dialup. They should have a warning on the ng's for her like they do at
certain areas of the Zoo's. 'Please don't feed the animals. Especially,
the Yaks and Asses.'