Here are a few things off the top of my head. I might add more..
* Networking: Built-in Dynamic DNS client, based on some named standard or a
proprosed standard (for crying out loud .. this should have been added years
* Accessories: PowerShell out of the box (!!)
* Accessories: KeePass ( equivalent
accessory out of the box
* Legacy support: Legacy emulation for full-screen mode in command shell
while using Aero (including IO/terminal signals & commands such as terminal
fonts, resolution, etc)
* IIS: Easier/automated method of adding local server SSL certificates in
IIS for developers
* IIS: Ability (or better or more obvious documentation if ability exists)
to set default AppPool installation behavior so that IIS 6 based web apps
that get installed are automatically setup for the Classic app pool rather
than the new one.
* Display: Registry key (or documentation if it exists) to enable Aero
support if installed legacy XP display driver supports D3D 9.
* WMP: New icon
* Windows Mail: New icon
* Windows Mail bug: Filter new NNTP headers if "Show replies to my posts" is
* Search / Accessibility: Easier / quicker access to searching non-indexed
files in specified directory using only a keyboard
* Search / Accessibility: Comma or semicolon delimited list support for
specifying directories to search
* Hardware: User-level driver abstraction for USB (don't BSOD on faulty USB
device and perhaps even USB controller drivers)
* Network / Accessibility: Easier / quicker access to Connect To options for
connecting to a VPN (show as menu; user should never have to open any
windows to find a network to connect to)
* Explorer Bug / Accessibility: Occasionally, keyboard shortcuts for menu
items such as Alt+F+C sometimes don't work, rather they just "beep" and
collapse the menu. Unacceptable behavior for those of us who avoid the
* Accessories: Integrated bug / feedback reporting user interface for
Windows as a Windows app (not as web site)