What do people do for a living?

I am a fulltime student at university in my 1st year , not sure what computing course i will choose to do in september though. I also work part time at the weekend at a supermarket.
*flops vows to keep his secret identity as exclusive super sleuth News Of The World reporter secret from triplexdread, in case he susses me. Me in pursuit of exclusive Uk story 'The secret life of the suburban Gigolo' *
floppybootstomp said:
*flops vows to keep his secret identity as exclusive super sleuth News Of The World reporter secret from triplexdread, in case he susses me. Me in pursuit of exclusive Uk story 'The secret life of the suburban Gigolo' *

Reminds me of a program i saw couple nights ago on UKTV or something about a married man with a couple of kids, who gave up making furniture to sell his body in order to support his family!!
Hi all

I am a soon to be self employed social work consultant specialising in child and family law and some management bits as well. Currently employed but working my notice with a social work employer. Business planning is well advanced and some work coming in already hence the queries about faxes/phones etc........

I do lots of other things: voluntary work, school governor, community bits and bobs, college (building/maintaning computer), I am a mum of 3 (17, 17 amd almost 12) and wife too. I love people - talking to them and learning from them and have a great passion for sunflowers (as people here will know)!! I have two fairly poorly parents and a brother with profound learning disabilities so do what I can for them plus support my mother in law who was widowed a couple of years ago and gets very sad and lonely. I can sign (British Sign Language) and have lots of deaf friends and love to learn from them. I love cultures/religions etc.... and anything that makes us all special and different.

One of my great wishes is for us as a family to foster children - that might not happen for some time yet but hopefully one day. I would like to take brother + sister groups where they might otherwise be separated from each other.

That's about it from me.


Gabs xx
Hey Gabs, you finally came out and said what you do, lol, good to see you feel relaxed here now :)


I'm assuming you're the Mum of 17 year old twins then?

Small, world, so am I. Sophie & Lucy were 17 last September.

There are a lot of unsung heroes in this world, you and Quad and Quad's missus - step forward ;)
TriplexDread said:
, however when the occasion comes along I sell my body to rich lonely housewives

LMAO! :)

Beware of the Jabberwocky my son!

Husbands beware of the TriplexDread!!!
Hi Flops

This may be of surprise but they aren't twins!! When they were younger they pretended to be such (knowing they weren't!!)

The story is.... I met and subsequently married a man with a son who is two days older than my birth daughter. Via various legal processes they are now sister and brother. Then we had a daughter between us who is almost 12.

All the children have a very good understanding of 'who's who' in the various families + lots of contact with important people in their lives. Has been hard work but well worth it and it gives me the warmest feeling when friends and people I/we know comment on how lovely our children are and how 'sorted' they are.


Gabs xx
floppybootstomp said:
I swear psd99 inhabits his own little universe ;)

lol, good on yer mate :D

as ever my old mucker :)

lol but it put a smile on my face on this very cold and bitter night!!!

whats next?

A 'Pork Chop' Amongst us!!!? do u get that...?

lol :)
It's ok Flops, we all get asked the same question frequently!! It confused the teachers no end when the older ones were at the same school. Part of life's rich tapestry and no end of fun!!

Gabs xx
I graduated 18 months ago in IT and am not in Sydney working in the Cabinet office temping and boozing (not at work!!). Im currently looking into ways to get sponsored to stay in OZ for 4 years, cause i love it out here, but unfortunately with no actual experience or a profession (so to speak), it's tough!! If only i hadn't "wasted" 4 years doing IT and was a hairdresser i'd be ok!!! :-/

Anyone got any contacts in oz?!! haha.
