What do people do for a living?

I am officially a full time College student, taking ICT, and am going to Uni in september, to take Public Services BA Hons.

But i work at Sainsbury's on a checkout 12 hours a week :)
Just about to finished an MEng in Aerospace Engineering, but hoping to do a PhD in Sept :)
As little as possible :D


Mostly sound systems, public address; door entry systems; CCTV; Portable Appliance Testing; Electrical work.

Currently installing a 7 camera CCTV system in a SE London school.
:mad: I retired from my work when I moved to a new address. I used to work caring for people with special needs, I loved my work because I used to get immense satisfaction from helping people like this, I also used to drive an ambulance and I am still a PVC driver but I can not get work in the area I live in, I am only 69 years young and I still have a lot to give.
Your never to old

My Nan worked well in to her 70's and when she was forced to retire, then worked as a volunteer in various charity shops up to nearly her 80's. Sadly now departed from us all.
I too do as little as possible, however when the occasion comes along I sell my body to rich lonely housewives
TriplexDread said:
I too do as little as possible, however when the occasion comes along I sell my body to rich lonely housewives

Haha, you wished mate, join the queue :D ;)
full time student studying maths, physics, computing and product design
Do voluntary work very rewarding I have been doing it since 1980. Much better than doing nothing.
I am incharge of running a chemical plant producing metal based liquid catalyst. The most expensive raw material of which is Cobalt. My customer is an Imperial Chemical Industry (ICI) plant producing Pure Terapathelic Acid which happens to be the raw material for Polyester :)

Active member of the managing committee of the Photographic Society in my area, provide free consultancy for high end hifi to friends and family and occasionally help them with the selection and installation.

Time permitting I write reviews and articles in my spare time on Computer equipment, Audio equipment and Photography related issues.

Do a bit of social work with my own resources as and when available. recently helped someone to be on his own by partly financing him (interest free and without return) to buy a taxi. He now earns three times what he was making before.

Encouraging my wife since last 18 years to continue to do charitable work in her medical practice by reinvesting in the patients who cannot afford medications or treatment. I earn more than enough and we are very content with what we have.

Crunching to find a cure for dreaded disease by being part of the PC Review crunching team.

If I had 48 hours instead of 24, I would be happy to do the same but twice as much.
Kiln Team Leader at a large Pottery manufacturer :D

Quadophile you are what makes this world worth living in :thumb:
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