-----Original Message-----

You all don't get it, do you. Let me explain it once again.

why, WHY, why, why, W H Y, WHY are you stepping through that code in the
first place?
1) the routine you wrote misbehaves
2) you checked the code against the algorithms it has to perform. It seems
to do that
3) you reread the code and everything should be fine.
you place a breakpoint... where? At the start of the program? No, you
place a breakpoint at the spot right before where YOU think it can be
wrong. You fire up the debugger, you see your misspelling error, you stop
the debugger, you fix the spelling error
and you are done, DONE, done, D O N E!
The current application I'm working on has 10 projects, a hell of a lot of
lines of code, do you really think I run that one in the debugger? It is
utterly slow in the debugger. I only debug when I need to. When a
misspelling in a formula is found, INSIDE the debugger, (like a '-' should
be a '+'), you alter the - into a + and recompile and re- run, not in the
debugger. Do you re-step through the code (you have to recompile/restart
(even with E&C) and perhaps re-step into the current code because the fix
you just made will bring you DIFFERENT parameter values for the routine
you're currently IN), to see if your misspelling fix works? If you NEED
TO, you weren't sure the '-' should be a '+'.
That's the whole point.
A developer should be sure about the code he/she types in. Utterly simple.
If he sees a mistyped formula, and thus fixes the formula, he then is
certain the formula is ok. If not, the fix is a TRIAL/ERROR fix. Plain and
simple. And we all know what kind of software is breeded from Trial/error