Playing all below on my Arch pc. All the Steam native Windows games are run with Proton with the "" gamemoderun %command% "". You have to install gamemode of course.
American Mgee's Alice -- Fab game runs with no problems - using Lutris.
Alice Madness Returns -- Another fab game , runs well through Steam - this is the old Steam version they sold -- it crashes occasionally after about half an hours play and locks up the pc -- Ctrl, Alt, F2 into another tty and use htop to close Steam to solve the problem, bit of a pain but well worth the trouble.
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood -- Entertaining game - old school style - runs very well - no problems -- Steam.
Call of Juarez -- Same as above.
Black Mesa -- Neat game - great graphics - runs well no problems - stuck trying to fire a rocket launcher just can not work it out - Steam.
Metro Last Light Redux -- Awesome game - superb graphics - smooth game play - stuck trying to kill a big hairy monster - Steam.
Remember Me -- Decent game - different controls and quirky game play - stuck in an arena with a big boss - Steam.
Bulletstorm Full Clip -- Fast paced shooter -- great graphics - smooth game play - sound drops in and out -- plays well then crashes -- very frustrating as when it runs it is very good - Steam.
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 -- Decent sniper game - good graphics and smooth game play -- Steam.
Tomb Raider - Excellent game - love the story line -- good graphics and runs well -- stuck trying to climb a burning building - Steam.
Deus EX Human Revolution Directors Cut -- Old style with excellent graphics - runs very well - Ctrl, Alt, F2 into another tty and use htop to close Steam to solve the problem,well worth it though - Steam.
Battlefield V -- Awesome graphics - smooth game play - running through Lutris with their version of Origin - Only tried the snowy Norway section so far - crashes occasionally but not too often - bargain for £4.19.
I like to game depending on my mood so have different games running all the time. Anyways you can play some great games on a linux rig. I bought all the games above in sales so they were very cheap, my os cost me nothing so for just a few extra quids and the cost of a pc set up you can have some excellent fun wasting time. You may have to spend a small amount of time researching how to set up a game and download some extra libriaries and programs to your operating system but it well worth the effort.