"On a cautiously optimistic note, I've so far today had over 3 hours
of 'fast mode', the longest ever. The only thing I've done of any
significance IMO was to clear my Recycle Bin, which had an unusually
high 7 GB.
I also wrote another macro that simply moved the mouse cursor across
the screen for about 500 pixels, one at a time, repeating 20 times.
That ran fast every one of the few score times I tried it. In fact the
test macro started running fast roughly around the time of first
running the new one. We'll see ..."
I'm delighted to report that at around midnight I finally stumbled
across the cause! And to call it 'obscure' would be an understatement.
In short it's a bizarre conflict with a great little free program
called AWC I've been using for ages. Steve Murphy's Automatic
Wallpaper Changer, Version 3.0.8.
It simply displays random images from any large folder onto the
desktop at chosen intervals. But get this: it's not running the
program that causes the slow mode - it's closing it!
During this whole saga I've typically closed as much stuff as possible
after a fresh re-boot, to help isolate the problem. So amongst other
things I would right-click the AWC tray icon and select Exit. The
breakthrough last night came when I happened to try my test macro
immediately after doing that - and found it slow. I re-loaded AWC:
fast. Closed it: slow. Eureka!
I've no idea what the underlying cause is. Next step is that I'm off
to download the latest version. If that has the same issue I'll post
on the forum at
Looking forward to doing something else soon!
Thanks a bunch for all your support, Gerry. Stay in touch