Weird hardware problem... Windows won't install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pan
  • Start date Start date
what drivers for hardware aren't being installed during the loading of knop?
IOW are you manually loading any drivers after the install finishes? (knop
doesn't see or recognize a particular piece of hardware?)
I am not an expert. But I got an idea. Since you have two computers.
Why not install the HD into your other computer, format it there, copy
the entire Windows CD on that drive and take that HD back to the
problematic computer and install from there. See what happens. Just
an idea worth trying.

Pan, i feel your pain. I currently have the same exact problem wit
the same exact errors after an upgrade from a intel P4 to a amd 6
3500+ clawhammer processor, new mothere board, PSU, and video card.
have been working at this for 3 weeks now and am lucky to have foun
this thread. I am very frustrated. I am going to try moving har
drive to another computer and i may need to purchase new memory.
cna't get into safe mode to even do memtest or anything. I can boo
from an install disk but once i press enter it freezes... any hel
from those in the forum would be very VERY appriciated!!

Pan, i feel your pain. I currently have the same exact problem with
the same exact errors after an upgrade from a intel P4 to a amd 64
3500+ clawhammer processor, new mothere board, PSU, and video card. I
have been working at this for 3 weeks now and am lucky to have found
this thread. I am very frustrated. I am going to try moving hard
drive to another computer and i may need to purchase new memory. I
cna't get into safe mode to even do memtest or anything. I can boot
from an install disk but once i press enter it freezes... any help
from those in the forum would be very VERY appriciated!!!

You should be running a memory test (such as Memtest86 -
from a bootable floppy or CD and NOT Windows.
Just a suggestion, and I'm assuming that your drives are new...and i
they are, you might consider the size. If they're larger tha
120GB...consider the following: XP is supposed to have a known bu
fix for drives over's supposed to be built into th
service packs


Windows 2000 pre service pack 4 will not install on a hard disk that'
over 130GB, it can't see the end of the have t
partition the drive into 120GB or less, install Win2K, enable LARG
LBA Support in the registry, and then resize the partition

I would suggest the possibility that XP might not be installin
correctly because of the size of the partition. Conside
partitioning the drive to a smaller size and see if you still hav
the same problem
Dear Pan,

I am having exaclty the same problem with few exceptions that I believe
are worth mentioning in order to understand what's happening here.

1. I am using Utlimate Boot CD, which is a live CD like knoppix, but
is based entirely on Windows. With that everything works fine,
including all diagnostics, benchmarks etc... for HD, CPU, Memory,
2. My computer has been running with the exact same configuration for
about 2 years. Yestarday I experienced a crash during the
reinstallation of Visual Studio and Win XP went in the tipical loop
indicating that you need to repair windows. I decided to take the
opportunity of reinstalling it from scratch, to do a clean up my
computeing environment. When I restarted with the WIndows XP CD I went
through the problem you described (I had formatted the partition
3. I have also tried to cache the installation CD locally, so that the
actual setup is executed from the HD itself, avodinig any possible
problem with communication with the CD drive. No way.

I tend to believe that the problem is in the Motherboard that becomes
defective, because the problem started out of the blue yesterday.
However I would like to test few things more:

1. Restoring an image based backup and see if it works (that would rule
out the hardware problem)
2. Delete all partitions on the HD and recreate it (my disk is 160Gb
and the OS partition was just the first 30Gb, I am trying to save the
second partition with my data...). That would indicate that WIndows XP
setup had problems with the MBR of a disk with that layout.

I'll keep posting should I discover anything new.
