WCG Stats Tues 22nd Feb 2006

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stuartw101 said:
Keep the compliments coming :thumb: Im just waiting for someone else to join so i won't be bottom.
ah, but you ain't bottom ...
Cache-man 2,995
midas1 2,305
... they are both below you on points. ;)

I'll put them back in the mainstream if it'll make you feel better ... :thumb:

I don't wish to put a spanner in the works.........but......
The Wooden Spoon?

A certificate on the way?

I know the concept of the wooden spoon, being a rugby player, and being Welsh!,
but...... it is quite disheartening getting this award when you don't have 10 comps on the go......I mean, getting a duff reward for producing nothing, is not an incentive, when perhaps, it's not your fault that your phone line is down, or your away, or internet/isp problems, etc.....

Anyone who knows' me, know's I love a laugh,but when you are frying your cpu, as I am, at the moment, and for some reason, getting cut-off by my modem every 5 minutes, and this is something I do, knowing it is costing me money I don't have, it strains my laughter lines to their end.

I know, Mucks, it is only in jest, and we all LOVE a laugh, but I care about this, and what we, collectively can do, and I hate it when I don't produce.

Just my 2 cents.

I'll go now.

Keep Crunching!
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Well, according to the BOINC manager I'm still sitting on 1516.77 although I've completed 73.51% of a job that has 15:49:50 hours left to run. This first 73% has taken up 05:52:58 hours of cpu time. Now I just have to ask... do all these statistics actually mean anything? cos they sure as h*ll don't make a jot of sense to me???:confused:
I reckon, if I sit on the same score much longer I won't just be needing a wooden spoon... They'll be giving me the whole damn rugby field in wood!

And, of course, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone for all points achieved and all work done in this worthy enterprise, however much or little, We all face difficulties & obstacles, it's because we keep on crunching regardless of those difficulties and expenses that we earn the wooden spoon when things go wrong or get busy. A bit of a humorous poke & a backwards recognition of what we do achieve when things are going right. An acknowledgement that we are all doing our best whenever we can.

And especially to mucks, for the work you go to in coallating & organising everyone's data each evening, sorting it out & posting it in such a way as to keep people encouraged and involved in what we do. Thank you:)
cirianz said:
Well, according to the BOINC manager I'm still sitting on 1516.77 although I've completed 73.51% of a job that has 15:49:50 hours left to run. This first 73% has taken up 05:52:58 hours of cpu time. Now I just have to ask... do all these statistics actually mean anything? cos they sure as h*ll don't make a jot of sense to me???:confused:
Ciri - this is normal, it is the same as mine using boinc - It just estimates a predicted runtime and is never anywhere near accurate in my experience.

Don't worry, as long as its progressing then everything is OK :thumb:

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