I agree with Jaf and everyone elso pro-top-posting, what IS the use in
having to re-read the first post 20 times in a 20 post thread, the
second post 19 times in a 20 post thread, etc, etc. Not only am I a
top poster, but I believe in getting rid of all that other gibberish
that comes up when I want to reply. If you've been reading the thread,
you will know that I am responding to the previous post. If, for some
reason, I am answering a post that was not directly previous to mine,
then a quote is in order to allow the reader to know who I am
responding to. Like the gentleman before me, I believe that those who
see the need to correct me and my posting, need to look deep inside
and figure out why they HAVE to correct everyone that doesn't confom
to the their (and others) standards. It's a big world with a huge
amount of different ways to do things, do you (meaning everyone who
must let it be known that we are not conforming to "netiquette")
really think we give a rats ass or are ever going to change because
you say so. I think not. Move on to more important things in the world
for pete's sack. Perhaps like how to start a watercooling newsgroup.

Oh and one more thing. I don't believe that cross-posting is
really that bad of an idea. If someone want opinions from different
people that read different boards, why not ask them all the same
thing. I highly doubt that someone who overclockes only AMD's would
actually read a newsgroup about overclocking Intel CPU's. Perhaps a WC
NG should be in order. I would thing that once it is established and
more people become aware of it, the more attendance it will get, and
hence the more people will navigate to it for answers or to pose
questions. I for one would go to a NG for WC, and only WC, if it
having to re-read the first post 20 times in a 20 post thread, the
second post 19 times in a 20 post thread, etc, etc. Not only am I a
top poster, but I believe in getting rid of all that other gibberish
that comes up when I want to reply. If you've been reading the thread,
you will know that I am responding to the previous post. If, for some
reason, I am answering a post that was not directly previous to mine,
then a quote is in order to allow the reader to know who I am
responding to. Like the gentleman before me, I believe that those who
see the need to correct me and my posting, need to look deep inside
and figure out why they HAVE to correct everyone that doesn't confom
to the their (and others) standards. It's a big world with a huge
amount of different ways to do things, do you (meaning everyone who
must let it be known that we are not conforming to "netiquette")
really think we give a rats ass or are ever going to change because
you say so. I think not. Move on to more important things in the world
for pete's sack. Perhaps like how to start a watercooling newsgroup.

Oh and one more thing. I don't believe that cross-posting is
really that bad of an idea. If someone want opinions from different
people that read different boards, why not ask them all the same
thing. I highly doubt that someone who overclockes only AMD's would
actually read a newsgroup about overclocking Intel CPU's. Perhaps a WC
NG should be in order. I would thing that once it is established and
more people become aware of it, the more attendance it will get, and
hence the more people will navigate to it for answers or to pose
questions. I for one would go to a NG for WC, and only WC, if it