David Dickinson
I tested KB969947 on a Windows XP Professional SP3 machine that is reserved
for testing. After installing that update, I could not log on to it in a
Remote Desktop session. In fact, the machine had frozen and could not even
be accessed with its keyboard or mouse, and the hard drive light flashed in
a repeating pattern over several minutes. However, after restarting the
machine, I could log on to it locally. After uninstalling that update, RDP
sessions were successful. I reinstalled it and tested again, and RDP
sessions failed. After uninstalling, they worked.
Test this update thoroughly before deploying it! I've notified Microsoft
about the issue, but the help that is available at this time told me that
Microsoft Enterprise will have to deal with it, and I have to wait until
normal business hours tomorrow to contact them.
I haven't yet tested this update on other versions of Windows, but I hope no
adminstrators have large networks using automatic updates. I'm just hoping
that this isn't the disaster that it could be.
David Dickinson
eveningstar at mvps dot org
NOTE: This message has been cross-posted to microsoft.public.windowsupdate,
microsoft.public.security, microsoft.public.microsoft_update_catalog, and
for testing. After installing that update, I could not log on to it in a
Remote Desktop session. In fact, the machine had frozen and could not even
be accessed with its keyboard or mouse, and the hard drive light flashed in
a repeating pattern over several minutes. However, after restarting the
machine, I could log on to it locally. After uninstalling that update, RDP
sessions were successful. I reinstalled it and tested again, and RDP
sessions failed. After uninstalling, they worked.
Test this update thoroughly before deploying it! I've notified Microsoft
about the issue, but the help that is available at this time told me that
Microsoft Enterprise will have to deal with it, and I have to wait until
normal business hours tomorrow to contact them.
I haven't yet tested this update on other versions of Windows, but I hope no
adminstrators have large networks using automatic updates. I'm just hoping
that this isn't the disaster that it could be.
David Dickinson
eveningstar at mvps dot org
NOTE: This message has been cross-posted to microsoft.public.windowsupdate,
microsoft.public.security, microsoft.public.microsoft_update_catalog, and