Rod Speed
So they should build one?
Nope, they should do what the other hard drive manufacturers
do, get their distributors in this country organise the return of
the drives returned under warranty to Singapore.
Now consider that someone else, somewhere else,
won't have a WD or Samsung, Hitachi, etc, etc, center
near them. Overall, we can't fault them for where you
live, nor find fault with them wanting you to mail it to
them instead of, oh, to the local supermarket instead.
See above.
I'm suspecting the primary problem you had
was that you dealt with a Maxtor CSR a bit like
you deal with some posters in this newsgroup.
Pity it wasnt even me, child.
It wouldn't be hard to imagine a scenario where they
were smiling while they made you jump through hoops...
consider CSRs are low paid, have monotonous jobs,
and probably all secretly plot against you Rod. ;-)
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
If they require you to run it and it won't run, you
merely tell them that. Seems pretty clear cut to me.
Pity about when they refuse to RMA the drive in that situation.
How is that a question? Either you buy it knowing
it had a maxtor warranty or that it didn't.
It aint always that black and white, child.
You buy it knowing it had the OEM vendor
warranty instead or in addition, or that it didn't.
It aint always that black and white, child.
If you buy it with no paperwork stating a warranty at
all, and no warranty statement from the seller, you are
accepting there is no guarantee of warranty coverage.
Wrong again. Our legal system doesnt work like that, child.
That's not really questionable, either it's covered or not.
Wrong, as always.
If you throw away all your paperwork then maybe you won't know
if you had several drives but how is that a manufacturer's fault?
Yet another of your puerile straw men.
Further, how is this any different than with another brand?
That was a comment on your stupid pig ignorant claim
about not needing any support, nothing specific to Maxtor.
Thats an example of where you may well need
support, with any hard drive manufacturer.
It is always easy.
Nope, not when the hard drive manufacturer refuses to do
the RMA because they claim that its an OEM drive, child.
Is it as easy as walking and chewing gum? Nope.
Easy as finding the sky? No again.
Easy as doing any other typical kind of RMA?
Yes, even easier than most.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
It's easy. Maybe in your case it's expensive shipping
it long distances, but that's not hard, just more costly.
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.
Your village eejut imitations cut no mustard, child.
Rod, it's that easy.
No it isnt if you dont have the packing, child.
What they should be doing is to ship you the replacement,
then you can reuse what the replacement came in to ship
the failed drive back, child.
It might be even easier than "that easy".
Never ever could bullshit its way out of a wet paper bag.